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词汇 plummeted
例句 The drought has caused the price of hay to soar, and the price of cattle has plummeted.干旱的天气造成草价飞升,牛的价格因此大跌。The TV show has plummeted in the ratings.这个电视节目的收视率大幅下跌。The president's popularity has plummeted since the war began.战争爆发以来,总统的支持率直线下降。As soon as the sun went down, the temperature plummeted.太阳一下山,气温便急剧下跌。House prices have plummeted in recent months.房价近几个月来暴跌。The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment.车子在弯道处失去控制,一头扎下堤岸。Gale force southerlies have hit Christchurch and temperatures have plummeted.克赖斯特彻奇受较强南风侵袭,气温骤降。The car plummeted to the bottom of the canyon.这辆车坠入了峡谷谷底。The real purchasing power of the rouble has plummeted.卢布的实际购买力已急剧下跌。The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground.这架喷气式飞机突然起火,急速坠地。The Prime Minister's popularity has plummeted to an all-time low.首相的支持率已经骤跌到历史最低点。Sales of VCRs have plummeted.盒式录像机销量骤然下跌。In Tokyo, share prices have plummeted.在东京,股价已经暴跌。Most of the industrial world plummeted into a deep recession.大多数工业国一下子陷入了严重的衰退。The Prime Minister's popularity has plummeted to an all-time low in recent weeks.首相的支持率在近几个星期已骤跌至前所未有的低点。The satellite plummeted into/toward the ocean.卫星坠入海中。A worker was decapitated when a lift plummeted down the shaft on top of him.升降机沿着升降井坠落到一名工人身上,工人的脑袋被削掉了。The acrobat plummeted into the net.杂技演员一头栽进网中。The plane plummeted towards the earth.那架飞机直坠向地面。Two aircraft on a training flight collided and plummeted to the ground.两架飞机在飞行训练时相撞后径直摔到地上。The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment.汽车在转弯处失去了控制,一头扎下了堤岸。The bigger boats netted whole shoals and mackerel numbers plummeted.更大的船用网捕走了整群整群的鱼,使得鲭鱼的数量急剧下降。The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground.这架喷气式飞机突然着火,急速坠地。




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