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词汇 plug
例句 I went down on one knee to plug in the vacuum cleaner.我单腿跪下插吸尘器插头。A plug had been inserted in the drill hole.钻孔已塞上了塞子。I want to plug the kettle into the right-hand socket.我想把水壶插到右手边的插座上。When pierced, rubber in one of the layers swells to plug up the bullet hole.轮胎被子弹射穿时,有一层橡胶会膨胀起来,堵住子弹孔。The author used the opportunity of appearing on TV to give his latest book a plug.作者利用在电视上露面的机会宣传他的新书。They plug into the mains.它们接到了干线上。The only way to turn the machine off is to pull the plug. 只有拔掉插头才能关上这台机器。This receiver works on batteries, or you can plug it into the mains electricity.这架收音机可以用电池,也可以把它插入交流电源使用。When they killed Dad, they pulled the plug on everything that held the family together.他们杀死了爸,从而把维系家庭的一切纽带全毁了。You can plug into the international computer network.你可以连接上国际电脑网路。They didn't have enough material to plug up the gaps around the pipe.他们没有足够的材料堵住管子的裂口。I managed to plug the leak.我总算堵住了漏洞。All you have to do is to plug in and switch on.你只须接通电源,一拧开关就行了。There's a place to plug in an external microphone.有个插入外接麦克风的地方。She tugged the cord until the plug came out of the wall socket.她使劲拉电线,直到把插头从插座上拔出来。Is there a plug in the bedroom that I can use for my hairdryer?卧室里有没有插座让我用一下电吹风?He pulled out the plug.他拔掉了塞子。The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused.墙上插座的电线短路烧断了保险丝,电灯跟着灭了。The colonel was the operations chief and the spark plug of our troops in the Solomons.这位上校是我们在所罗门群岛时的作战指挥官和部队的核心人物。She put the electric plug into the socket.她将电插头插到了插座里。Don't plug the stereo in yet.先不要给音响接电源。We used mud to plug up the holes in the roof.我们用泥堵住了房顶上的漏洞。With this latest book, she is clearly hoping to plug into the international market.显然她希望通过这本新书打入国际市场。A lot of students don't plug into all the research facilities we have.许多学生都不知道可以使用我们拥有的全部研究设备。During the show she managed to put in a plug for her new book.在节目当中她设法将自己的新书推销了一番。We were able to plug the hole with cement.我们用水泥把洞堵住了。She pulled the plug to let out the water.她拔起塞子放水。I may be plug-ugly, but I'm lovable.虽然我很丑,但我很可爱。The iron is fitted with a three-pin plug.熨斗配有三脚插头。The Arts Council had pulled the plug on the scheme.艺术委员会已经终止了这个方案。If a plug is wired incorrectly, it can be dangerous.如果插头接线不对会很危险。I heard a plug for that café on the radio.我在广播中听到那家咖啡馆的一个广告。She put in a plug for the band's new album on her radio program.她在她的广播节目中推荐了这个乐队的新专辑。The wire was attached to a pin in the plug.电线连在插头的一个插脚上。Police pulled the plug on the event, fearing that violence would break out.警方终止了该活动,唯恐发生暴力冲突。You can run the torch off batteries or plug it into the mains.这个手电筒可以用电池,也可以插到电源上使用。The Swiss entrepreneur has pulled the plug on any further investment in the firm.那位瑞士企业家不再在这家公司投资。He put the plug in and filled the sink with water.他把塞子塞上,将洗碗池注满水。The form has spaces where you just plug in your name and address.在表格的空白处填写你的姓名和地址。The actor made a shameless plug for his movie.这名演员厚颜无耻地为他的电影大肆宣传。




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