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词汇 achieving
例句 There's no saying what they might be capable of achieving.很难说他们可能会取得什么成就。There are two straightforward ways of achieving this result.有两个简单的方法可以取得这个结果。To summarize, in most cases the schools were achieving the standards set.总的说来,在大多数情况下这些学校都达到了所定的标准。Today's meeting was a small but important step towards achieving our goals.今天的会议朝我们的目标跨出了很小但很重要的一步。A lot of progress has been made in unpacking the issues central to achieving this strategic change.在剖析对实现这一战略转变至关重要的议题方面,已经取得了很大的进展。The fascination is somewhat dimmed by the knowledge that his chances of achieving his goal are slim.当发现达成目标的机会很渺茫时,他的兴趣有些减弱了。He is the means of our achieving victory.他是我们取得胜利的关键人物。He does not glory in his past successes and looks forward to achieving more.他没有因为自己过去的成功扬扬自得,而是期待在未来取得更多的成绩。Women are still decades away from achieving pay equity with men.女性要与男性同工同酬还要过好几十年。She came up with several plans that failed spectacularly before finally achieving success.她想出了几个方案,但都功败垂成。A lot of ground has been covered in unpacking the issues central to achieving this market-led strategic change.在分析实现这个以市场为导向的战略转变的关键问题时,涉及了诸多领域。He is thought to be anywhere near achieving the competence to do the job.人们认为他差不多具备了做这件事的能力。 He acknowledges the unlikelihood of achieving lasting peace.他承认实现持久和平不大可能。They used money freely in achieving princely comforts and amusements.他们为追求穷奢极欲的享乐而挥金如土。Much effort was put to achieving the gesture that had such a spontaneous look.看上去那么自然而优美的手势是经过很大努力才做到的。Keep on hammering away at achieving your goals.为达到目标要坚持不懈。All politicians agree that inflation must be beaten but they differ over methods of achieving this.所有的政治家都认为必须遏制通货膨胀,但对于怎么样去做,他们各持己见。Prior preparation is vital for achieving success.事前准备对取得成功至关重要。I was suddenly struck by the impossibility of achieving our aims.我忽然间意识到要达到我们的目标是不可能的事。There is no magic formula for achieving success in the business world.在商界取得成功是没有神奇妙方的。This plan goes farthest toward achieving our goal.这个计划最有利于实现我们的目标。It is assumed that you are interested in achieving greater self-awareness.假定大家都想变得更有自知之明。He accused Ford of being hell-bent on achieving its cuts by whatever means.他指责福特公司不择手段一心要实施裁减。We must define our own standards and adopt our own strategies for achieving those standards.我们必须界定自己的标准,并且采取我们自己的策略来达到那些标准。Hopes of achieving peace are beginning to evaporate.实现和平的希望开始逝去。The first step towards achieving peace in the region will be to elect a government that represents all the people.实现该地区和平的第一步是选出代表全体民众的政府。The management seems to expect staff to be constantly achieving higher levels of efficiency and productivity.管理层好像希望员工不断地提高效率和生产力。In planning for the project, you should include a list of goals and a timetable for achieving those goals.在制订项目计划时,你要列出各项目标和预计实现这些目标的时间表。The talks dragged on, with no apparent hope of achieving a peaceful solution.会谈拖延着,实现和平解决希望渺茫。




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