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He wore a straw hat to keep his balding head from getting sunburned.他戴了顶草帽,以免正在谢顶的脑袋被太阳晒到。He hates to be teased about his balding head.他不喜欢人家取笑他的秃头。Eammon was plump and balding.埃蒙发福了,头发也日渐稀疏。He wore a hat to cover his balding head.他戴了顶帽子盖住他的秃头The clean-shaven, balding man was a stranger.那个胡子刮得光光的、有点谢顶的男人是个陌生人。He's in his twenties but already balding.他才二十多岁但已经开始谢顶了。The man was jowly, unshaven, balding.那个男人长着双下巴,胡子拉碴,快要谢顶了。 |