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词汇 plain
例句 Patterson pointed toward a plain cardboard box beneath a long wooden table.帕特森指着长木桌下的一个普通的纸板箱。They came down from the mountains and crossed the coastal plain.他们从山上下来,然后穿过沿海的平原。Clara was a plain, dumpy woman, several years older than her husband.克拉拉是个相貌平平的矮胖女人,年龄比她丈夫大几岁。Many plain tiles and complementary borders are also available.还有多款普通瓷砖和与之配套的修饰花边供应。You can easily jazz up a plain outfit with some bright, colourful accessories.一套平平常常的衣服,配上几件明亮而鲜艳的饰物,就能轻而易举地增色不少。Pictures add interest to plain painted walls.相片给素色的墙面增添了一抹情趣。She's good at explaining difficult scientific concepts in plain English.她善于用简明的英语解释深奥的科学概念。Seasonal monsoons deluge the plain.这片平原在雨季时沦为一片汪洋。You have made your feelings plain enough.你已经明确表示了你的想法。If you can answer the first question, the rest of the test should be plain sailing.如果你能回答测验的第一个问题,其余的问题就是小菜一碟了。She describes herself as a plain Jane. 她称自己相貌一般。It was a plain, grey stone house.这是一座简朴的灰石房子。He was arrested by plain-clothes detectives as he walked through the customs hall.他穿过海关大厅时被便衣侦探逮捕。That was just plain stupid!那简直是蠢透了!He's just plain lazy.他就是太懒惰。This is as plain as plain can be.这是再明显不过的。The building style is plain, with very little ornament.该建筑风格朴实,极少使用装饰。Whatever the terms used, the facts are plain enough.无论使用怎样的措辞,事实都是非常清楚的。The meaning of the sentence is very plain.这句句子的意思十分清楚。The plain floods every spring.每年春天这个平原都会被洪水淹没。He's made it plain that he loves the game and wants to be involved still.他明确表示自己热爱这项运动,并仍想参与其中。The implication was plain, if left unstated.其含意不言而喻。Tanks dashed ad lib about the wide plain.坦克在广阔的平原上横冲直撞。You could use a stencil to add decoration to plain painted walls.你可以用模版给素面墙上加一些装饰。She took a little plain sewing in.她承接一些简单的针线活在家做。Little by little the plain came into view, a vast green uniformity, forlorn and tenantless.渐渐,平原映入眼帘,一望无际的成片绿色,荒无人烟。It's just a plain old farm.这只是个普通的旧农场。He put the letter in a plain brown envelope.他把信装进一个普通的棕色信封里。Let me say it in plain English: you're fired.用通俗易懂的话说,你被解雇了。The French won the match, but it wasn't all plain sailing.法国队在比赛中获胜,但也并非一帆风顺。The dress was completely plain, but quite stunning.这件裙装非常简单,但是十分漂亮。His motive was plain greed.他纯粹是出于贪婪。Why drink plain old water when you can have something better?有好东西喝,为什么还喝白水?It's plain that he adores his daughter, and the feeling is mutual.明摆着他很喜欢自己的女儿,而且女儿也喜欢他。The Indian of the West is a rover of the plain.西部的印第安人在大平原上过著游牧生活。She wore a severe black dress, and plain black shoes.她穿了一件朴素的黑连衣裙和一双普通的黑鞋子。It was a plain room with no curtains.这是间不带窗帘的简朴房间。Smooth, plain surfaces are particularly attractive to graffiti sprayers.光滑、平坦的墙面尤其能吸引喷绘涂鸦者。I saw a low rounded hill far across the grassy plain.我看到草原远处有一座低矮的圆顶山丘。Why can't they write these instructions in plain English?他们为什么不用通俗易懂的英语写这些使用说明?




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