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词汇 pigeon
例句 The pigeon took an ungrateful peck at his finger.这只鸽子不领情地啄了一下他的手指。Because I had an unusual accent people were not able to put me into a pigeon-hole.因为我与众不同的口音,人们无法把我归入任何一类。A pigeon perched on our porch railing.一只鸽子栖息在我们门廊的栏杆上。The cat quietly crept up on the pigeon.那只猫静悄悄地靠近鸽子。There is an increased risk of muscle injury if you are wide-hipped, pigeon-toed, or knock-kneed.如果你髋部肥大、八字脚或膝外翻,肌肉损伤的风险就会大些。The child is pigeon-toed.这个孩子是内八字脚。A pigeon pecked at the window pane.一只鸽子啄了啄窗玻璃。How could he ever live with himself after being a stool pigeon?当了眼线后,他怎么还能心安理得?The dovecot pigeon has become feral in several places.在某几个地方,鸽棚里的家鸽已恢复了野性。Transport? That's not my pigeon - ask Danny.运输?这不归我管——去问丹尼。He was the pigeon of a con artist.他上了一个老骗子的当。Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced.未等我逮到鸽子,猫就猛扑了上去。A pigeon was cooing up in one of the elms.一只鸽子在榆树上咕咕地叫。He was puffed as a pigeon, but his eyes scavenged like a hawk.他被说成是一个老实巴交的人,可他的两眼却老是像鹰隼般贪婪地搜索着。I have heard of one old witch changing herself into a pigeon.我听说有个老巫婆把自己变成了一只鸽子。A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。Her onetime friends in the underground considered her a stool pigeon and cop-out.过去地下党的朋友们把她看作坐探和叛徒。The hotel stood by a lake, where the wealthy went to go fishing or pigeon shooting.酒店坐落在湖边,有钱人上那儿钓鱼、打泥鸽。There was a red mark where the pigeon had pecked her hand.她的手被鸽子啄了后留下一块红印。Sear the pigeon breasts for one minute or so on each side.把鸽子的胸脯肉每一面都轻煎一分钟左右。The significance of the disappearance of the buffalo and the passenger pigeon was not fully comprehended until much later.水牛和旅鸽消失这个问题的重要性直到很久以后才被完全理解。He walked across the tennis court with a pigeon-toed gait.他脚尖朝内一拐一拐地穿过网球场。




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