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词汇 going through
例句 He's going through a bad/difficult/rough patch right now.他现在正经历着一段艰难的时期。Fuel prices are going through the ceiling. 燃油价格一路飙升。We knew he was going through a midlife crisis when he bought a new sports car.我们知道当他购买新跑车时他正在经历一场中年危机。He's such a snoop - he's always going through my mail.他真是窥探成癖——总是偷看我的信件。Marathon runners are used to going through pain.马拉松选手已习惯了疼痛。The leaders are going through the motions of peace talks.领导人对和平会谈敷衍了事。If Louise catches you going through her purse, you're dead!要是路易丝撞见你在翻她的钱包,你就死定了!Peter had lost his job, and the family was going through a very difficult time.彼得失去了工作,一家人生活非常艰难。I caught Alice going through my letters and demanded an immediate explanation.艾丽斯看我的信时被我当场撞见,我坚持要求她立刻解释。Politically and economically, the country is going through enormous changes.无论是政治上还是经济上,该国都正在经历巨变。Raccoons were going through our trash. 浣熊在我们的垃圾中乱穿。A seizure is just a surge of electrical energy going through your brain which throws it out of kilter.癫痫发作就像是一股电流涌上大脑,使大脑失衡。I spent an hour or two going through the tutorial.我花了一两个小时读完了这本教程。The woman tells anyone who cares to listen that she's going through hell.只要一有人听她诉说,那个女人就会告诉人家她正在受苦受难。It's difficult for us to understand the torment the hostages are going through.我们很难体会到人质此刻所遭受的痛苦。Bob's hellbent on going through with the plan, even though it's sure to end in disaster.尽管知道这个计划将以彻底失败告终,鲍勃还是一意孤行要完成它。Small businesses are going through a bit of a bad patch just now.小企业刚刚经历了一段有点艰难的日子。You couldn't possibly understand what I'm going through.你绝不可能理解我目前的境遇。What was going through his mind when he spoke those amazing words?.他说出那些令人诧异的话时,心里都在想些什么?It was my friends that kept me going through all this.是我的朋友们让我坚持下去,度过了这一切。It's just a phase he's going through.那只是他正经历的一个阶段。I was going through puberty.我正经历青春期。I understand what you're going through.我理解你正遭受的痛苦。Whatever you do, don't look for a pay increase when you know the company is going through some difficulty.不管怎样,在知道公司遭遇困境时不要指望加薪。Her calm exterior gave no clue to what was going through her mind.从她平静的外表看不出她内心在想什么。She had a similar experience, so she understands what I'm going through.她有过相似的经历,所以很同情我现在的遭遇。I hear Jim is really going through the mill with his divorce.我听说吉姆正在遭受离婚的痛苦折磨。South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.南非正在经历一场不可逆转的变革。Our marriage is going through a difficult stage at the moment.目前我们的婚姻正处于一个困难阶段。People are screaming blue murder about the amount of traffic going through their town.人们对着那些穿越他们城市的川流不息的车辆大呼小叫。You had no business going through my private papers.你无权查看我的私人文件。Big issues are going through on the nod.重大议题将会一致通过。I found him going through my closet.我发现他正在我的衣橱里翻找。We have been going through a bad time.我们正经历一段困难时期。We're going through an up at the moment, and long may it continue.我们目前正经历一段繁荣时期,希望能持续下去。I'm going through my wardrobe and throwing out all the clothes I don't wear any more.我要把衣柜彻底清理一下,把不穿的衣服都找出来扔掉。Relays of workers kept the machines going through the night.工人们轮班工作,机器彻夜运转。She's going through a punk phase right now. 她这阵子正迷恋朋克摇滚乐。Maya's been going through a period of emotional upheaval.玛雅一直在经历情感的剧变期。Kevin's going through a painful divorce.凯文正在遭遇一场痛苦的婚变。




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