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例句 I won't go into detail over the phone, but I've been having a few health problems recently.我在电话里就不细说了,但最近我的身体一直有些不舒服。I can't go into work looking like this - everyone will laugh at me.我不能这个样子去上班——大家会笑话我的。I forbear to go into details.我避免涉及详情。Button your shirt before we go into the restaurant.我们进餐馆之前把你的衬衫纽扣扣上。His argument ignores the multitude of factors that go into reducing poverty. It's based on faulty logic.他的论点无视减少贫困涉及的多方面因素。它的逻辑基础是错误的。Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.露西没有充分的理由去镇上。What made you go into teaching?是什么使你从事教学工作的?I always go over my notes just before I go into an exam.我在参加考试前总是会把复习笔记重温一遍。She showed us a mock-up of what the car will look like when it goes into production.她向我们展示了投产后的汽车的实体模型。If you go into the cave without waiting for the guide, you do it at your own risk.如果你不等向导来便走进洞去,后果由你自己负责。He is not inclined to go into detail.他不想详细叙述。He will go into business when he leaves school.他毕业后将去经商。After medical school, he wants to go into general practice.毕业以后,他打算做一个全科医生。When a book goes into translation, all those linguistic subtleties get lost.当一部书被翻译成另一种语言后,所有那些语言上的精妙之处就都丢失了。She is hoping to go into change management or IT management when she graduates.她希望毕业后从事变革管理或者信息管理。The system for choosing candidates is very involved, and I won't go into it here.推举候选人的制度十分复杂,在此我不想去解释。You had to go into politics if you wanted to change the world.要是你想改变社会就得从政。No more clothes will go into this case.这手提箱再也装不下衣服了。She prefers to stay in detention rather than be released and go into exile.她更愿意呆在拘留所而不是被释放然后开始流亡生活。Have you heard the one about the brown cow who goes into a bar?你听过那个棕色母牛跑进酒吧的笑话了吗?I don't want to go into any more detail than necessary.除非绝对必要,我不想多说细节问题。She had to go into an old people's home.她不得不住进养老院。I'll go into that tomorrow, my pet.那事我明天处理,宝贝。You'd better not to go into his office to spite him now.这会儿,你最好别进他办公室打扰他。My mother constantly warned me not to go into teaching.妈妈不断地告诫我不要去当老师。They spread-eagled against the crowd to let her go into the theatre from her car.他们张开四肢挡住拥挤的人群,好让她顺利地从车上下来走进剧场。This is the first book to go into her personal life as well as her work.这是第一本不仅深入研究她的作品而且还详细叙述她的个人生活的书。The ratification of this treaty will go into effect immediately.这个条约的正式签署会立即生效。He goes into attack mode whenever his decisions are questioned.每当他的决定受到质疑时,他就变得很有攻击性。She wants to go into general practice.她想当普通医师。It was only a quick explanation - he didn't really go into detail.他只是很快地解释了一下,并没有真正触及细节。She had to go into hock to pay for her college tuition.她只好借钱支付大学学费。Be brief. If you go into too much detail people will get bored.简要一点。如果你说得太详细,人们会烦闷的。Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we'd go to our respective classes.所有人都去礼堂参加集会,会后各自回各自的班级。It's courting disaster to go into the mountains without proper weatherproof clothing.进山却不携带些防风雨的衣物,简直是自找苦吃。I didn't go into work because I wasn't feeling too good.我今天没有去上班,因为感觉不太舒服。He wants to go into the priesthood. 他想成为一名神职人员。The new coins will go into general circulation next year.新铸币将于明年进入全面流通。Henry was afraid his father would go into orbit when he knew his recent wrongdoings.亨利怕他父亲知道他最近干的坏事后会暴跳如雷。If the banks opt to pull the rug from under the ill-fated project, it will go into liquidation.如果这些银行不再对这个倒霉的项目提供支持,它也就破产了。




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