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词汇 performances
例句 It is an impressive directional debut, especially in respective of the performances she elicits from her cast.她导演的第一部作品令人印象深刻,尤其是在激发演员表演这方面。Swallows put up very good flight performances.燕子飞翔婀娜多姿。She has been winning accolades for her performances in small plays.一直以来,她凭借着在短剧中的表演赢得赞誉。Her electrifying gymnastics performances vaulted her from obscurity to worldwide renown.她那令人叹为观止的体操表演使她从无名小卒一跃而成为世界名人。Fed up with the disastrous performances of the team he'd been watching for years, he transferred his support to their rivals.这个队的比赛他已看了几年,对他们的糟糕表现很是不满,所以转而支持它的对手队了。He gave one of his best knockabout performances in a long time.他表演了很长时间,那是他最精彩的闹剧之一。He was very fond of the theater and had purchased tickets for several performances.他很喜欢戏剧,买过几场演出的票。They gave one of their best performances to date.他们的演出是迄今为止最好的几场之一。She is remembered mainly for her performances on screen.她主要凭借自己在荧屏上的表演让人们铭记。My aunt decided to stage a series of performances of a one-act play.我姑姑决定将一部独幕剧排演成系列剧搬上舞台。The performances by the actors were not up to snuff.演员们的表演有失水准。She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad.她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。His performances could charitably be described as below par.他的表演可以婉转地说成是有失水准。His performances are always over the top. 他的表演总是很夸张。His powerful performances inevitably invite comparison with those of de Niro.他那富有感染力的表演不免让人把他和德尼罗相提并论。Falling sales in Thailand were offset by strong performances in other markets.其他市场的出色业绩弥补了泰国销售量的下降。He gave several noteworthy performances during his short career.在其短暂的职业生涯中他取得了几项重要成就。In Beijing opera, acting performances are usually highly stylized.在京剧中表演动作常是高度程式化的。His musical résumé includes performances at Carnegie Hall, a stint with the New York Philharmonic, and two Grammys.他的音乐成就包括在卡内基音乐厅演出、与纽约爱乐乐团的短期合作,以及两次获得格莱美奖。Our players have been criticised up hill and down dale for their performances this season.我们的选手因本赛季的表现而惨遭批评。The performances are by turns uproarious and oddly poignant.演出一会儿喧闹滑稽,一会儿又变得莫名感伤。She does two performances a night, with only a very short break between.她一个晚上演两场,中间只有很短暂的休息时间。They will dance two performances of Ashton's 'Romeo and Juliet'.他们将表演阿什顿的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的两场舞。We played cards to fill in the dead time between the two performances.我们玩纸牌打发两场表演之间的空档时间。His recent performances mark a welcome return to form.他近期的表现标志着他已恢复到以往可喜的竞技状态。The theatre management kindly let me off a couple of performances to go to Yorkshire.剧院领导很体谅地同意我休演几场抽身到约克郡去。She gives frequent performances of her work.她经常演出自己的作品。Her interpretation of Juliet was one of the best performances I have ever seen.她演绎的朱丽叶是我所见到的最出色的表演之一。Both performances were excellent; it's simply a matter of opinion as to whose was better.两场演出都很精彩,哪场更好不过是见仁见智的事。We are unhappy with this season's diabolical performances.我们对这个赛季的糟糕表现很不满意。He puts a lot of energy into his performances.他为自己的演出付出了很多精力。The singer is renowned for his live concert performances.这位歌手以现场演唱著称。The debate was followed by hours of talking heads analyzing the candidates' performances.辩论之后是电视发言人对候选者的表现长达数小时的点评。She had the ability to suit her performances to the audience.她有能力使自己的表演迎合观众的口味。I sat through all three performances but none of them was any good.三个节目我都从头看到尾,可是没一个节目是精彩的。Sincere performances and gritty Boston settings add to the film's realism.真诚的表演和对波士顿这一背景城市的真实刻画增添了电影的现实主义色彩。The management fear a backlash from fans over the team's poor performances.管理层担心球迷会对球队的拙劣表现作出强烈反应。He asked whether this was predictable from previous performances.他问这是否可以从以前的表现中预料到。Open-air performances of his operas will take place in front of the royal palace.他的歌剧作品将在王宫前进行露天演出。The actors’ performances were needlessly rushed.这些演员的表演太仓促了。




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