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词汇 penalized
例句 The company was penalized for not paying taxes.公司因逃税而被处罚。The team was penalized for wasting time.该队因拖延时间而受到处罚。The team was penalized for an illegal play.这个队因比赛时违规而受罚。Students will be penalized for mistakes in spelling and grammar.学生会因为拼写和语法错误而受到处罚。The new tax and the drop in house values make home owners feel doubly penalized.新的税制及房价的下跌使业主们觉得利益受到了双重损害。Why should I be penalized just because I'm a woman?为什么因为我是女性就要低人一截?The system should ensure that borrowers are not penalized by sudden rises in mortgage rates.该计划应确保借款者不会因按揭贷款利率突然提高而陷入困境。It is unfair that the whole class should be penalized because of the bad behaviour of a few students.整个班级因其中几个人的行为不端而受到处罚是不公平的。He was penalized for an infraction of the rules. = He was penalized for a rules infraction.他因违反条例而受到处罚。The hockey player was penalized for holding.那位冰球运动员因拉人犯规被罚。Some of the players may, on occasion, break the rules and be penalized.有些运动员偶尔可能会违规并因此而受罚。Use of the car is penalized by increasing the fares of parking lots.通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。You will be penalized if you don't answer all the questions.如果所有问题你都不回答,会吃亏的。The quarterback was penalized for intentionally grounding the ball.四分卫因故意掷地滚球被判罚。He was penalized for an illegal check.他因为犯规阻截而受罚。He claims that he was unfairly penalized.他声称受到了不公正的处罚。Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.两名学生犯了同样的过错,受到的处罚却很不相同。Such a system penalized the poor.这种制度妨碍了穷人的利益。Administrators insist students won't be penalized for poor penmanship.行政人员坚持说,学生不会因为字写得不好而受到不公平待遇。When a woman became pregnant, she was penalized in some way for having to leave the workforce.女性怀孕后就不得不离开工作岗位,从而在某些方面处于不利地位。They were penalized for unethical conduct.他们因不道德行为而受到惩罚。The child was penalized for her untidy handwriting.那女孩因字迹潦草而受处罚。The company was penalized for selling more eggs than it was legally entitled to sell under quota rules.该公司因出售鸡蛋超过法定限额而受罚。The referee penalized Smith for handling the ball.裁判因史密斯用手触球而对其作出判罚。That type of violation is penalized in all sports.那种犯规在各类运动中都要处罚。Use of the car is penalized by increasing parking fees.通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。He was penalized for handball.他因手球被罚。Women feel professionally penalized for taking time off to raise children.女性认为休假带孩子对自己在职业上很不利。The player was penalized for an illegal hit from behind.这个运动员因从背后撞人而被判罚。He was penalized for bad timekeeping.他因不守时而受到处罚。Bad teaching is not penalized in a formal way.教学质量低下没有受到正式处罚。




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