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词汇 peculiarly
例句 The movie has a peculiarly American quality.这部电影有着独特的美国特色。Theo had been behaving peculiarly.西奥的举止一直很古怪。His conversation had a race and flavour peculiarly its own.他的谈话生动有趣,别具风格。He was peculiarly apt at pithy sayings.他说话特别简短精练。The children were peculiarly quiet.孩子们安静得出奇。The girls stared at the peculiarly shaped tree.女孩们盯着这棵形状古怪的树。He's been behaving peculiarly. 他一向行为古怪。Cricket is so peculiarly English.板球是颇具英国特色的运动。He looked at me most peculiarly.他很怪异地看着我。Molly is behaving rather peculiarly.莫莉现在的行为很古怪。He found life in the village peculiarly satisfying.他感到在村子里的生活特别有趣合意。Sororities and fraternities sound peculiarly American.大学女生联谊会和兄弟会听起来是典型的美国团体。It's an idiom that people can recognize as peculiarly English.这是一个人们可以认出只有英语中才有的习语。Outside it was warm, peculiarly warm for this time of the year.外边很暖和,对于一年的这个时节来说有些反常。His movements were clumsy, and his gait peculiarly awkward.他动作笨拙,步态尤其难看。It's peculiarly painful where I burned my hand.我手上烧伤的地方很疼。He's been behaving very peculiarly lately.他最近行为一直很反常。His face had become peculiarly expressionless.他的脸已变得不寻常地木然。The streets were peculiarly quiet for the time of day.白天这个时候街道上异常安静。She's a peculiarly attractive woman.她是个非常有魅力的女人。




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