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词汇 past
例句 I make it dead on half past by my watch.我的表是半点钟整。Bits and pieces of the past raced through her mind.往昔的点点滴滴涌上她的心头。The actor's autobiography disinterred a past era.那演员的自传重现了一个过去的时代。The event has not proved popular in past years.在过去的几年里这项活动已证明不受欢迎。A skateboarder streaked past us.一个玩滑板的人从我们身边飞速滑过。She wanted to leave the past behind. 她想忘掉过去。The movie sentimentalizes the past.这部影片以感伤的情调回忆过去。He edged past the cart.他慢慢从手推车的边上走过。The traffic streamed past him.来往的车辆从他身边经过。He's been guilty of sharp practice in the past.他以前干过不老实的勾当。I went straight past the dog. I didn't trust myself to stop.我赶快从那条狗身旁走过去,不敢停下。I'd better go home now, it's past my bedtime.我现在该回家了,已经过了我的睡觉时间了。The past has been scarred by countless mistrials and perversions of justice.过去数不清的冤假错案和枉法行为给人们带来了创伤。He gave us a cheery wave as we drove past.我们开车驶过时,他愉快地向我们挥挥手。The relationship has been damaged past repair.这段关系已经破裂到无法修补。I have my lunch at half past.我半点的时候吃午饭。The number of attacks on the capital had gone down over the past week.上一周对首都的袭击次数已经减少了。He is a criminal past all redemption.他是个不可救药的罪犯。I broached the subject of his past.我提及他的过去。They are past masters at dealing with political scandals.他们非常擅长应对政治丑闻。An object from the past can be used to engage the students' interest and awaken curiosity.旧时的一件物品可以用来引起学生的兴趣并唤起他们的好奇心。I hardly noticed the man who brushed past me in the corridor.我几乎没注意到走廊上和我擦身而过的那个人。She's a past master at exploiting other people.她很会利用别人。A fire engine zoomed past us.一辆消防车从我们身边呼啸而过。He said his financial worries were a thing of the past.他说他财务上的烦恼已成为过去的事情了。They acknowledge past scholars for the important work they have done.他们对前辈所做的重要工作表示感谢。The character she plays is a dinosaur—a former beauty queen who is living in the past.她扮演的是一个过气人物一一个沉湎于过去的前选美皇后。A cloud of dust rose in the air as the car roared past.汽车飞驶过后扬起一阵尘土。They'd altered his shift pattern twice in the past month.上个月他们让他换了两次班。The reunion is an opportunity for the soldiers to remember their past glories.这次重聚给了老兵们一个缅怀他们昔日赫赫战功的机会。I reached my destination around half past two.我大约两点半到达了目的地。He drove past slowly so we could look at the house.他慢慢地驶过以便我们能够看清那幢房子。He drove past darkened houses.他开车经过黑着灯的房子。The bravery of past warriors was celebrated in song.以歌曲颂扬昔日武士的英勇事迹。He seemed to view her as a quaint relic of the past.他似乎把她看成别致的老古董。It happened far back in the past.这事发生在久远的过去。I'm trying not to be sentimental about the past.我努力不让自己表现得感怀过去。I watched the people hurry past.我看著人们匆匆而过。The elegant buildings on the sea front give us a glimpse of Brighton's more glorious past.滨海区精美的建筑让我们看到了布赖顿辉煌的过去。There are two types of participle in English: the past participle and the present participle.英语中有两类分词:过去分词和现在分词。




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