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词汇 pass to
例句 His beloved parent had passed to her reward from this very bed.他敬爱的娘亲就是在这张床逝去升天的。The succession passed to the nearest surviving relative.继承权传给在世的关系最近的亲属。She had a pass to go to the library.她得到许可离开课堂去图书馆。A law was passed to protect alien property.通过了一项法律保护外国侨民的财产。Ownership passes to the buyer upon payment in full.全额付款后所有权即归属购买人。New laws have been passed to help the police in their fight against organized crime.已通过了几项新法律以帮助警察对付有组织的犯罪。These powers were eventually passed to municipalities.这些权力最终移交给了各市当局。He chipped a pass to his teammate.他把球撮起传给队友。She passed to her teammate who then scored a goal.她把球传给队友,接着队友进球得分。Orders were passed to the commander at the front in an abbreviated form.命令以缩略的形式传达给前线指挥官。After the emperor died, power passed to his eldest son.皇帝去世后,皇位传给了他的长子。On Samuel's death, the farm passed to his sons.塞缪尔一死,农场就传给了几个儿子。Johnson passes to White, White passes to Eliot, and Eliot scores!约翰逊把球传给怀特,怀特传给埃利奥特,埃利奥特得分了!UN officials said a formal request was passed to American authorities.联合国官员称正式请求已向美国当局转达。When he dies, the crown will pass to his son.他去世后,王位将传给他儿子。We bought a two-day pass to Disneyland.我们买了一张可用两天的迪士尼乐园门票。The land will pass to my son when I die.我死后土地归我儿子所有。They issued us with free passes to the theatre.他们发给我们那家剧院的免费入场券。Your letter has been passed to the customer services department.你的信已被转交客服部。He passed to Beckham on the edge of the penalty area.他把球传给在禁区边缘的贝克汉姆。The estates were passed to him on his father's death.他父亲一死,财产就传给了他。The torch has been passed to the new generation.火炬已经传给了新一代。The throne passed to the king's son.王位传给了国王的儿子。Does this mean that the baton of leadership is going to be passed to other nations?这是不是意味着要把领导权交给其他国家?His mother's small estate had passed to him after her death.他母亲死后留给他一小笔遗产。The note passed to the bank clerk threatened to blow his head off.递给银行职员的条子上威胁说要用枪打爆他的头。I did another pass to check for any spelling mistakes in my essay.我又从头至尾检查了一遍我文章中的拼写错误。U.N. officials said a formal request was passed to American authorities.联合国官员表示,已向美国当局提出了正式的请求。He played a back pass to the goalkeeper.他将球回传给守门员。The ball was passed to the center-forward.球传给了中锋。On your decease, the house passes to your wife.你去世后,这座房子由你妻子继承。Hirst rolled a short pass to Merson.赫斯特将球短传给默森。Please present your boarding pass to the flight attendant.请向乘务员出示你的登机牌。A law was passed to squash pop music pirates.通过了一个法律以打击流行音乐翻录者。New laws have been passed to protect your privacy.新法规已获通过,旨在保护个人隐私。The old man died and his estate passed to his wife.这老人死了,他的财产传给了他妻子。




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