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词汇 parts
例句 The manager gave me his personal assurance that the parts would be here today.那位经理个人向我保证,零件今天运到这里。Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole.在把各个部分结合成一个连贯的整体方面几乎未作任何尝试。The delegates come from different parts of the world.代表们来自世界各地。The different parts of the picture form a harmonious whole.画中的各个部分组成了一个和谐的整体。The sulphur dioxide level in the air was 32 parts per billion.空气中二氧化硫的含量是十亿分之三十二。Break it down into its constituent parts.将它分解为一个个的构件。The mixture was resolved into two parts.这种混合物被分解成两部分。Actors lobby for fatter parts.演员们疏通关系争取成功机会更大的角色。She has written some wonderfully meaty parts for older actresses.她曾为年长的女演员写过一些特别精彩的台词。Replacement parts couldn't be found for love or money.替换零件怎么都找不到。Otters are still found in some parts of Britain.英国的有些地方仍可见到水獭。Conditions of extreme poverty now obtain in many parts of the country.目前该国的许多地方都极度贫困。The first and second parts of Goethe's Faust are divided into acts.歌德的《浮士德》的第一部分和第二部分被分为若干幕。This plant can grow in many parts of the globe.这种植物能在地球上许多地方生长。Some critics said the show was good in parts - those less charitable said the whole thing was a disaster.有些批评家说演出有些部分还不错——而那些不那么厚道的批评家则说整场演出都糟透了。We will enact parts of three plays.我们将演出三部戏。The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.在古罗马人入侵之前,古英国人居住在英格兰的这些地区。Compared to the excitement of the earlier parts of the film, the ending was a little anticlimactic.跟前面几个动人心魄的部分相比,这部电影的结局有点虎头蛇尾。Police faced the gruesome task of looking for the body parts.警方面临着寻找尸块的可怕任务。The man could unerringly select the parts that were necessary to his task.那人总能准确无误地挑选出完成他的任务所需的部分。It should be partitioned off into several parts.应该把它分隔成几部分。Electrical service was cut off for up to five hours in some parts of the country yesterday.昨天,该国部分地区电力中断达五小时。Reflexology is based on the principle that specific areas on the feet correspond to different parts of the body.反射疗法所依据的原理是,足部的特定部位都对应着身体的不同部位。The parts were jigged up and ready.各部件已经用夹具安装好了。Famine exists in many parts of the world.世界许多地方都发生饥荒。A reflexologist can often tell what is wrong with his client by the condition of certain parts of the feet.足疗师往往可以根据顾客足部某个部位的情况判断其病症所在。Southerners smoke less and drink less than those in other parts of the country.与这个国家其他地方的人相比,南方人抽烟和喝酒都比较少。The two parts hooked together.两个部分紧扣在一起。She departed for parts unknown.她离开了,不知去了什么地方。The parts are made in this factory and then shipped to another country for assembly.零部件在这家工厂生产,然后运到另一个国家进行组装。The invaders have ended their occupation of large parts of the territories.侵略者结束了他们对大部分领土的占领。Make sure you cut out any tough, gristly parts before you cook the meat.煮肉之前,一定要把连着软骨、较老的部分去掉。The more miraculous parts of this account should be taken with a pinch of salt.对这篇记述中那些颇具神奇色彩的部分也不应全信。An unwillingness to tolerate change seems to be bred in the bone in some parts of this country.在这个国家的某些地区一种不愿容忍变革的态度似乎是改变不了的。I've bracketed the parts of the text that could be omitted.我已把文章可省略的部分用括号括起来了。This engine has only got three moving parts.这台发动机只有三个可活动的零件。Scientists have long wondered which parts of the brain are involved in musical tasks.科学家们一直想知道大脑的哪些部分是用来处理音乐的。If the dam breaks it will inundate large parts of the town.如果水坝决口,这个城镇的大部分地区都将被淹没。They hail from all parts of the country.他们来自全国各地。The programme will be shown in two parts.该节目将分两集播出。




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