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词汇 back up
例句 He's now back up on the slopes again, skiing competitively in events for the disabled.他复出了,在残疾人滑雪比赛中表现不俗。Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.从该星系中心收到的无线电信号证实了黑洞理论。Clogged pipes caused drain water to back up into the house.水管堵塞,排出的水倒灌入屋。The bread and cheese were brought back up as gorge, thanks to the heaving sea.由于海面波涛起伏,胃里的面包和奶酪都反上来了。Cindi backed up the car and stopped in front of the door.辛迪把车倒到门前。He crept back up the stairs, trying to avoid the ones that creaked.他蹑手蹑脚地回到楼上,尽量避开会嘎吱嘎吱响的那几级楼梯。The West must back up its verbal support with substantial economic aid.西方国家必须以切实的经济援助来兑现他们的口头支持。Don't forget to back up all the new files you create.别忘记给新建文档作备份。Make sure you back up your files.确保你的文件备份了。The traffic was starting to back up in both directions.两边的车辆都开始排起了长龙。We back up our computer files at work on a daily basis.我们每天都要对工作电脑文件进行备份。The car stopped and then began to back up.那辆车停了下来,开始倒着行驶。He hopped back up the stairs and took his pistol.他赶紧返回到楼上,拿上了他的手枪。She trudged back up the hill, loaded down with heavy bags of groceries.她提着一袋袋沉重的食品杂货,费力地返回山上。Will you back up my story to the police?你愿证实我向警察讲述的情况吗?The patient tried to eat some breakfast but immediately brought it back up again.病人尽量吃了点早餐,但马上又吐了出来。I'm not coming back up here. Never, for love nor money.我不打算再回这里了,绝对不回了。Guys were knocked down but they just kept getting back up again.小伙子们被击倒在地,但是他们总是会重新站起来。Just ignore him - he's only trying to put your back up.别理他——他只是在成心惹你生气。In football the linebacker backs up the linemen.在足球赛中后卫接应前锋。I don't want to question his decision because that will just put his back up.我不想质疑他的决定,因为那样会激怒他。The drain backed up and had to be unclogged by a plumber.下水道堵塞了,必须请管道工来疏通才行。The lectures are to be backed up by a heavy programme of field work.课堂讲授将辅以大量的实地调查。The dam backs up a large lake.大坝将水堵住而成一个大湖。The flood water backed up the pipes for the dirty water.洪水使水管阻塞而倒流出了污水。The Secretary General says the declaration must now be backed up by concrete and effective actions.秘书长说现在必须将宣言付诸具体有效的行动。I've done all the painting. Now all that's left is to put the pictures back up.我已全部粉刷好了,余下的事就是把画重新挂上去。Remember to back up your work before you log off.记得在退出前备份你的文件。I backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back.我小心翼翼地后退,直到感觉后背碰到了墙壁。He treats everyone like children, and that's why he puts people's backs up.他对谁都像是待小孩似的,所以大家都对他有反感。A police van drove through the protesters and backed up to the front door of the house.一辆警车穿过抗议的人群,并倒至房子的前门。The accident backed up traffic for miles. = Traffic was backed up for miles because of the accident.这个事故使交通堵塞了数英里。She looked back up the grassy slope.她回头望了一眼那绿草如茵的坡地。Orders are really backed up this month.这个月订单确实积压了很多。The policeman went back up the ladder.警察又攀着梯子爬了上去。Wright was accused of pretending to be injured, and this was backed up by video evidence.赖特被指责假装受伤,这有录像为证。Ground forces will be backed up by NATO air power.地面部队将由北约组织的空军掩护。His claims are backed up by recent research.最新的研究证实了他的断言。The snow goose flew down low over the field and then soared back up gracefully.那只雪雁俯冲下来在田野上低飞,然后又优雅地飞回空中。The car backed up slowly.汽车缓缓后退。




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