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词汇 代理人
例句 They hired agents to conduct their affairs.他们雇请代理人来处理他们的事务。His agent had just begun negotiating for his next book.他的代理人刚开始就他下一本书的出版问题进行洽谈。The buyer did not attend the auction, but sent a representative to place the bids.买主没有出席拍卖会,而是派了一名代理人来出价。She booked through her travel agent.她是通过她的旅行代理人预订的。You are buying direct, rather than through an agent.你这是直接购买,而不是通过代理人A man posing as an insurance agent tricked her out of thousands of dollars.有个假冒是保险公司代理人的男子从她那里骗走了好几千元。The governor and her surrogates asked the public to support the change.州长和她的代理人要求公众支持此项变革。You pay the agent only if you sell the house.除非你卖掉房子,否则你就不必付钱给代理人Check with your travel agent for the best rates.向你的旅行代理人查询最优惠的价钱。Agents are accused of misleading clients into signing up for savings plans that were actually insurance policies.代理人被指责误导客户签下了储蓄计划合同,而这些合同实际上却是保险单。She's flying to New York tomorrow to meet with her agent.明天她要乘飞机去纽约和代理人见面。Ring up your agent in New York and put your proposition to him.给你在纽约的代理人打电话,把你的建议告诉他。She's a travel agent.她是位旅行代理人If you want to get published, get yourself an agent!想出版,你就得找个代理人He served as a proxy for his uncle.他是他叔父的代理人The defendant authorized his agent to subscribe the contract.被告授权自己的代理人在合同上签了字。I made my assistant my agent while I was abroad.我请我的助手在我出国期间做我的代理人At first, her earnings were split down the middle with her agent.开始的时候,她的收入是和代理人均分的。He appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York.他任命威廉斯作为他在约克市的代理人She acts for me in the matter.在这件事上,她是我的代理人Her interests might conflict with those of her principals.她的利益可能和她的代理人的利益相冲突。I'm just a presenter, a mere minion.我只是一个递交人,一个奉命行事的代理人You can talk with my deputy during my absence.我不在时,你可与我的代理人谈。The licence application must be signed by the applicant or his agent.许可证申请书必须由申请人或其代理人签字。He represents the company in Africa.他是这家公司在非洲的代理人I had a sneaking suspicion that my agent was not telling me the truth.我暗中怀疑代理人没有向我说实话。The firm has an agent in Sydney who deals with the Australian side of the business.这家公司在悉尼有代理人处理在澳大利亚方面的业务。Most fashion models are self-employed, and find work through agencies.大多数时装模特儿是个体经营,通过代理人寻找工作。Why should he have risked all that to become an agent of a foreign power?为什么就该他冒失去这一切的风险做外国势力的代理人呢?Both men will act as deputies to Mr Parsons.两人都将担任帕森斯先生的代理人My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150.我的代理人告诉我你还欠我一百五十美元。Some managers may have taken large backhanders from agents for agreeing to sell players.一些主帅可能因为同意出售某些球员而从代理人那里收受了大笔贿赂。She hired an agent to represent her in the contract negotiations.她雇了一个代理人代表她进行合同谈判。We agree to assume all risks of the acts and/or omissions of our agents.我们同意承担由我方代理人的行为与Any person who has the capacity to contract may as a principal engage an agent to contract on his behalf.任何有能力签约的人都可以作为委托人聘用代理人代表自己签订合约。He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他是我的得力助手,球场上的代理人,是一个冷静而有头脑的足球运动员。The town was thoroughly billed by agents of the circus last week.上星期镇上被马戏团的代理人贴满了海报。Since I wouldn't be available to vote, I nominated him to act as my proxy.由于我无法到场投票,我指定他作为我的代理人




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