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词汇 back-up
例句 No, I should definitely back-up my hard disk first.不,我绝对应该备份下我的硬盘先。The company sends back-up tapes to an off-site storehouse.公司将备份带送往厂区外的一家仓库。Alternative treatments can provide a useful back-up to conventional treatment.替代疗法能为传统的治疗提供有效的辅助。This option will back-up files on the volume.该选项将备份卷中的文件。Most major Japanese and international corporations operating in Japan have data back-up facilities.大多数的日本网络公司或者位于日本的网络公司都拥有数据备份设备。Computer users should make regular back-up copies of their work.计算机使用者应该定期对自己的工作进行备份。There is no emergency back-up immediately available.手头无法获得应急支持。This department needs more secretarial and clerical back-up.这个部门需要有更多的秘书和文书人员作支援。




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