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词汇 跑垒员
例句 The runner had a large lead off second base. 二垒的跑垒员向三垒跑出很大一段距离。Those runners used their wits and strength to claw back the points being lost in the field.那些跑垒员用他们的智慧和体力补回了场上丢失的分数。The runner was called out at home plate, and the manager came out to argue about the call.跑垒员在本垒被罚下,球队主教练站出来对这一判罚进行争辩He threw/tagged the runner out.他迫使跑垒员传杀/触杀出局。He made a pickoff throw to third base.他给三垒跑垒员来了个突然传杀。The umpire called the runner safe/out.裁判员判跑垒员安全进垒/出局。The shortstop threw the runner out at second.游击手在二垒把跑垒员杀出局。The runner on third base tried to make the pitcher balk.三垒跑垒员试图使投手做出假投动作。He knocked in a run in the second inning with a double to left field.他在第二局击出一个左外野二垒打,并使跑垒员跑垒得分。The runner on first took a big lead. 一垒的跑垒员向第二垒跑了几步。There's a runner on third.三垒有一名跑垒员The runner tagged up and tried to score.跑垒员用脚触垒试图得分。The runner was put out at second base.跑垒员在二垒的位置被杀出了局。The runner was tagged out at home plate.那名跑垒员在本垒处被触杀出局。The runner made a break for second base. 跑垒员突然跑向二垒。The runner was tagged out at the plate.跑垒员在本垒被触杀出局。The runner slid into third base.跑垒员滑进了三垒。Two base runners were left stranded at the end of the inning.这局结束时两个跑垒员被残留垒上。The runner went to second base on a sacrifice.一记牺牲打后,跑垒员冲向二垒。The runner at third tagged and tried to score on a fly ball to left field.三垒的跑垒员用脚触垒,试图凭借飞向左外野的高飞球得分。The runner was safe on a close play at first base.虽然险些出局,跑垒员还是成功上到一垒。There's a runner on base. 有名跑垒员在垒上。The runner was sacrificed to second base.借一记牺牲打,跑垒员进到二垒。The second baseman was spiked by the runner. 二垒手被跑垒员的鞋钉刺伤了。The runner overran third base.跑垒员跑过了三垒。The runner was put out at first base.跑垒员在第一垒上被杀出了局。




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