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词汇 跑去
例句 He ran to get help.跑去求援。Closing the umbrella, she ran for the car.她一边收起雨伞一边朝车跑去I'm just going to nip to the bog.我正要跑去上厕所。The crying child ran to his mother and collapsed in her arms.小男孩哭着向妈妈跑去,一头扑在了她的怀里。He made a bolt for the door.他急忙朝门跑去With uplifted arms, he ran towards them.他高举双臂向他们跑去Bob left the car at the roadside and ran for help.鲍勃把汽车留在路边跑去求助。You can't keep running to your parents every time you have a problem.你不能一有问题就跑去找你的父母帮忙。My favourite joke of all time is the one about the donkey who goes to the doctor and says ...我一直以来最喜欢的一个笑话是讲一头驴子跑去看医生,它说…Bob was forced to leave the car at the roadside and run for help.鲍勃被迫把车停在路边,然后跑去求助了。Tod pitched his coat onto the sofa and ran toward the kitchen.托德把外衣扔在沙发上,向厨房跑去Several people ran to help her when she fell.她摔倒了,好几个人跑去扶她。As soon as she saw him she dropped her suitcases and ran towards him.她一看到他就扔下旅行箱,向他跑去He was running towards the door.他正朝着门口跑去He ran back to his bench two-double with laughter.他朝自己的那条长凳跑去,笑得腰都直不起来了。He ran along the platform to catch the train.他沿着站台跑去赶火车。I tried to head the dog off by running towards it.我朝狗跑去,试图把它撵走。Nancy ran at full pelt to the school.南希飞快地向学校跑去Dan made a break for his car only to find the driver's door locked.丹朝他的汽车跑去,却发现驾驶座位置的门被锁住了。He sprang up and rushed to the door.他跳起身向门口跑去She ran at him, her fists flying.她挥舞着拳头向他跑去We began a steady downhill run.我们开始一路向下跑去He was shot in the head as he ran for cover.跑去寻找躲避的地方时被击中了头部。We cantered off toward the lake.我们骑马向湖边跑去He was loping across the sand toward Nancy.他迈着大步穿过沙滩缓缓向南希跑去The children were running uphill towards the house.孩子们朝山上那房子跑去He jumped up eagerly and ran to answer the phone.他急切地跳起来跑去接电话。After lashing the boat to the dock, we ran for shelter from the storm.我们把船拴在码头上,然后跑去找地方避雨。He watched Karl run across the street to Tommy.他看着卡尔向街对面的汤米跑去I was chasing about in search of life's necessities.我奔来跑去地寻找生活必需品。The bus driver must have seen me sprinting for the bus, but he drove off.那名公共汽车司机肯定看到我朝着公共汽车全速跑去的,可是他把车开走了。The crowd ran for shelter when the rain started.下雨了,人们都跑去找避雨的地方。The cat made a break for the door.那只猫向门口跑去The thief doubled and ran towards the village.窃贼突然折回,朝村子跑去She skipped off to play with her friends.她蹦蹦跳跳地跑去和朋友们玩。As the propeller stopped turning, Grady ran up to the plane.螺旋桨停止转动以后,格雷迪向飞机跑去He leaped out of his car and ran towards the house.他跳下车朝那所房子跑去Quick! Run and get a doctor!快点!跑去叫医生!He beetled off to catch the train.他匆匆跑去赶火车。She ran over the fallen rocks towards him.她跃过落下的石头向他跑去




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