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词汇 跑完
例句 The young horses broke in a pack, and over the first furlong, they remained in a pack.几匹小马一起冲出,跑完头一弗隆后还没拉开距离。He had to summon the energy to finish the race.他得拼尽力气跑完比赛。He dropped out of the race with a pulled muscle after two laps.他在跑完两圈后因肌肉拉伤退出了比赛。There's a sense of elation at having completed a race of such length.跑完那么长距离的赛程,欢欣之情会油然而生。She powered through the last lap of the race.她飞一般地跑完了赛程的最后一圈。André Etienne came in first, having completed the course in record time.安德烈·艾蒂安赢得第一,以有史以来最快的时间跑完了全程。She finished her run and slowed to a walk to cool down.跑完步之后,减速为步行以便平静下来。He was breathing hard from running.跑完步,大口喘着粗气。After the run they were fit to drop.跑完之后,他们累趴下了。This horse made light work of the cross-country course.这匹马轻松地跑完了越野赛程。After the marathon, most of the competitors looked all in.跑完马拉松,大多数参加比赛的人显得疲乏不堪。The first two laps took most of the run out of him.跑完头两圈他几乎就没力气了。All the competitors finished the race.全体参赛者都跑完了全程。Her face was flushed after her run.跑完步后满面通红。She was short of breath and unable to talk after her run.跑完步后,上气不接下气,一句话也说不出来。She finished the race dead last.她最后一个跑完了赛程。She manifestly failed to last the mile and a half of the race.显然她没能坚持跑完一英里半的赛程。I ran four miles Saturday, and I can tell you I was exhausted after it.星期六我跑了四英里,我可以告诉你,跑完后我精疲力尽了。After his run, he took a long shower.跑完后好好地冲了个淋浴。The leader after the first lap was a Kenyan.第一圈跑完时一名肯尼亚选手领先。Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.跑完步后皮肤上带着汗珠闪闪发光。She managed to finish the race by sheer willpower.她完全凭毅力跑完了全程。The leader after the first lap was a girl from New Zealand.第一圈跑完时领先的是一名来自新西兰的女运动员。I'm a little out of breath after my run.跑完步后我有点儿上气不接下气。After running the marathon, his body ached for a week.跑完马拉松之后,他浑身疼了一个星期。Tom did not have enough strength to sprint the last few metres.汤姆没有足够的体力全速跑完最后的几米。Matt was still panting after his run.马特跑完之后仍气喘吁吁。




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