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词汇 Part
例句 Part I is a rant against organised religion.第一部分是对有组织宗教慷慨激昂的声讨。Part of the puzzle had been knocked off onto the floor.部分拼图被打落在地板上了。Part of the office is ~d off for the use of the manager.办公室的一部分隔开来供经理使用。Part-time workers should not receive less favourable treatment than full-timers.兼职员工的待遇不应低于全职员工。Part of her dress was trailing on the floor.她的裙子有一部分拖曳在地板上。Part of the money will be spent on a new playground.部分钱款将用于建造新操场。Part of the blame must lie with social services.社会服务机构肯定也有一部分责任。Part of the rock wall overhung the path at one point.石墙的一部分在某处悬于小路的上方。Part of the boat was sticking up out of the water.部分船体伸出水面。Part of my bedroom ceiling has fallen in.我卧室的天花板有些地方塌下来了。Part of me loves going to parties but there's another part that prefers staying at home.我既喜欢参加聚会,又爱待在家里。Part of me wants to stay and part of me doesn't.我有点儿想留下,又有点儿想走。Part of another ice shelf has split off from the coast.另一个冰架已部分脱离了海岸。Part of the plane's wing had broken away.机翼的有些地方断开了。I was torn. Part of me wanted to leave, and part wanted to stay.我难以做出抉择。心里一方面想离开,一方面又想留下。Part of the attraction is Darwin's proximity to Asia.达尔文市的魅力一部分在于它靠近亚洲。Part of your job is to keep our clients happy.你的工作之一是要让客户满意。Part of a park ranger's official duties is to ensure public safety.园林管理员的职责之一是确保公众安全。Part of his upbringing had been not to question his elders.他曾受过不能质疑长辈的教育。Part of the research program involved interviewing teenagers in inner-city areas.研究计划的一部分是采访城内贫民区的青少年。Part of the disc was cut out to allow free passage of the bolt.圆板被切掉了一部分,这是为了确保螺栓能不受阻碍地插进去。Part-time workers are demanding parity with their full-time colleagues.兼职工人要求与全职的同事享有同等待遇。Part of the trail was flooded, so we had to go back the way we had come.小径的部分路段已经被水淹了,因此我们只得按原路返回。Part of the assistant's job is to help to organize conferences and keep the director informed.助理的一部分工作是帮助筹备会议,让董事了解情况。Part-time work is generally hard to find.一般说来,兼职工作很难找。Part of his charm lay in his melodious Scottish accent.他的部分魅力来自于他那悦耳的苏格兰口音。Part of the castle was destroyed by fire.这个城堡的一部分毁于火灾。Part of the education problem stems from the fact that class sizes have increased dramatically in the last 5 years.教育问题有一部分是由于近五年来班级规模急剧扩大所致。Part of the plan was that the town should not fall into office, industrial, and residential zones, but mix the three up together.规划认为这个城镇不应划分为办公区、工业区和居住区,而应三区合一。Part-time workers are unprotected by this law.兼职职员不受这条法规保护。Part of my job was to wash the dishes and scrub the floors.我的一部分工作是洗碟子和擦洗地板。Part One ends with the death of the hero's father.第一幕以男主人公父亲的死结束。Part of my job is to try to stimulate the student's imagination.我工作的一部分就是设法激发学生的兴趣。Part of Britain was under Roman occupation.不列颠的部分领土曾被罗马人占领。Part of the yard is sectioned off with a stone fence.院子的一部分被石块砌成的围墙隔了开来。Part of the road had been coned off for repair work.部分道路用锥形路标封闭起来以便维修。Part-time work and job sharing will become commonplace.兼职工作和分享制工作将成为常态。Part of her work is to counsel families when problems arise.她的部分工作是给出现问题的家庭提供指导。Part of the punch in the machine cuts the hole.机器中的一部分冲头用来割洞。Part of the wall was burned.一部分墙体被烤焦了。




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