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词汇 Parliament
例句 The party failed to win any seats in Parliament.该党未能在议会中赢得任何席位。Parliament will debate the question tomorrow.议会明天将辩论这个问题。During angry exchanges in Parliament the Prime Minister said he would not change existing policies.在议会里的激烈交锋中,首相说他是不会改变现行政策的。Parliament was recalled from its summer recess.国会在夏季休会之后又重新开议。Our Parliament has been a beacon of hope to the peoples of Europe.我们的国会一直是欧洲各族人民的希望之灯。The U.S. Congress is the counterpart of the British Parliament.美国的国会相当于英国的议会。Taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament.没有议会授权不能征税。Parliament voted for the bill to become law.议会投票通过,使议案成为法律。The king could not enact laws without the sanction of Parliament.未经议会批准,国王不能制定法律。Most people in Parliament have no hereditary claims to power or status.议会里的大多数人都没有世袭的权力或地位。The Terrorism Bill was rushed through Parliament.《反恐法案》在国会迅速获得通过。Crowds gathered around the Parliament building.人群聚集在议会大厦的周围。He is standing for a seat in Parliament.他在竞选议会议员。Disabled rights campaigners held a mass lobby of Parliament.残疾人权利活动家们对议会进行了集体游说。The party has increased its representation in Parliament.该党在议会中的代表增加了。The prime minister dismissed the charge that he had misled Parliament.首相否认了他误导议会的指控。The residence of sovereignty is in Parliament.国家主权归议会行使。She plans to table a motion for debate in Parliament.她打算提出一项动议交议会讨论。He was forced to quit Parliament in midterm.他被迫在任职中期退出议会。The Parliament voted more funds to help maintain American forces.国会投票同意拨出更多资金来维持美国军队的开支。It will have to go to the Houses of Parliament for formal approval.这必须提交给国会以获得正式批准。Big Ben, London's famous clock tower, is located near the Houses of Parliament.伦敦著名的钟楼大本钟就坐落在议会大厦附近。He did the backdoor deals that allowed the government to get its budget through Parliament on time.他做了不正当交易,使政府预算能够按时得到议会批准。Many regarded Parliament as irrelevant.许多人认为议会可有可无。The Bill was piloted through Parliament by the Minister for the environment.环境部长负责在议会通过该法案的相关事宜。Faced with strong opposition in Parliament, he was forced to retreat.由于在议会面对巨大阻力,他被迫放弃立场。Parliament has recognized the inviolability of the current border.议会认可了现有国界的不容侵犯。It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones, who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square.这是艾弗·罗伯茨-琼斯的作品,他还创作了议会广场上的丘吉尔塑像。The government was accused of forcing the bill through Parliament.政府被指责迫使议会通过这项提案。He tried to push the amendment through Parliament.他力促议会通过该修正案。The National Assembly is the lower house of the French Parliament.国民议会是法国的下议院。On your left you can see the Houses of Parliament.在你的左边你可以看到议会大厦。It's all been very noisy and bothersome in Parliament this week.这个星期国会里一直乱哄哄的,让人心烦。He was returned to Parliament.他被选人议会。They marched past the Houses of Parliament on their way to a rally.他们参加集会的行进途中经过议会大厦。In the same year the issue came before Parliament, but there was complete deadlock.同年,议案提交国会,但双方完全陷入僵局。Parliament has not yet begun to combat the deepening economic crisis, and public patience is wearing thin.议会还没有着手应对日益严重的经济危机,公众日渐失去了耐心。Parliament is to vote on tobacco advertising tomorrow.明天议会要就烟草广告进行投票表决。I hope that Parliament will soon take the matter in hand.我期待议会能很快接手这件事情。Parliament today approved the policy, but it has not yet become law.议会于今天批准了这项政策,但尚未成为法律。




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