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例句 As a child I was quite a good dancer, but I didn't fulfil my early promise.我小时候舞跳得相当好,但我并没有成为舞蹈家。He pledged to fulfil his trust.他保证履行义务。The politicians always drivel on about promises that they can't possibly fulfil.政客们老是喋喋不休地作些不大可能实现的允诺。We want to make sure that all children are able to fulfil their potential.我们想确保所有的小孩子都能充分发挥自己的潜能。She was willing to fulfil her plan at any price.她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。The company has managed to fulfil and exceed all the promises it made.公司已经成功地超额完成了之前承诺的事项。Her invention failed to fulfil its initial promise.她的发明没有达到最初的期望。I'd like to see him fulfil his promise to reorganize the army.我希望看到他履行诺言,重组军队。I signed a contract and I am obligated to fulfil it.我签了合同,就有义务履行。This diet will fulfil your needs in food.这样的饮食将会满足你的食物需要。A contract bond guarantees that the principal will fulfil all contractual obligations.契约保证书确保主债务人履行所有契约责任。We must pull together to fulfil the plan.我们必须齐心协力完成计划。She was compelled to fulfil the dying wishes of her mother.她不得不去实现她母亲的临终遗愿。If the builders don't fulfil their side of the contract, we'll sue.如果建筑商不履行合同,我们就要提出起诉。We're suing our suppliers for failing to fulfil their contract.我们正在和供应商打官司,因为他们没有履行合同。He decided to go all out to fulfil the task.他决心全力以赴地去完成任务。Alan was finally able to fulfil his promise to Sarah.艾伦终于能够实现他对萨拉的承诺。The Editor can give no guarantee that they will fulfil their obligations.《编辑家》无法保证他们会履行职责。Without them you will not be able to fulfil the tasks you have before you.没有他们你将无法完成面临的任务。Helen was ill fitted to fulfil her daughter's ideal of a gentle mother-figure.海伦与她女儿理想中的温柔母亲形象相去甚远。The general did not have confidence that the Fourth Fleet would be able to fulfil its mission.将军对第四舰队完成此项任务没有信心。I pledged myself to fulfil the promise I had made.我保证实践自己的诺言。To earn the Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Department of Health Studies, students must fulfil the following requirements.要想获得健康学系的哲学博士学位,学生必须满足如下要求。He could no longer fulfil his function as breadwinner for the family.他再也无法承担家计了。You must give more detailed answers if you are to fulfil the examiner's expectations.如果你要让阅卷人满意,就必须答得更详细一些。Juppe got a mauling over the government's failure to fulfil its promises.贾普因政府未兑现承诺饱受批评。The most telling condemnation of the system was that it failed to fulfil its function.对这一制度最有力的谴责是它没能发挥其应有的作用。I decided to fulfil my lifelong ambition of opening a country music club.我决定要去实现开办乡村音乐俱乐部的终生理想。The movie doesn't quite fulfil its promise.这部电影未完全实现作出的承诺。She is a member of staff, and like all of us, she has duties to fulfil.她也是一名员工,和我们一样,她也要履行职责。Students must fulfil the following entry criteria.学生必须达到以下准入条件。They don't like the idea that women can fulfil themselves without the assistance of a man.他们不喜欢那种女人没有男人的帮助仍会有所成就的想法。Being a wife and mother doesn't really fulfil me.做贤妻良母并不能真正使我满足。I'm sure she can fulfil the task by herself.我确信她能独力完成这一任务。Bella would go to any lengths to fulfil her ambition.贝拉会想尽一切办法去实现她的抱负。It will be a great happiness to her to fulfil her father's desire.对她来说,实现她父亲的意愿将是极大的快乐。By retiring, Taylor will fulfil a prophecy he made when he took over.泰勒一退休,将实现他接班时做出的预言。They failed to fulfil their promises to revive the economy.他们没能履行复兴经济的诺言。Britain was accused of failing to fulfil its obligations under the EU Treaty.英国被指责未能履行欧盟条约所规定的义务。




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