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例句 He looked at Katherine, his eyes full of sorrow.他看着凯瑟琳,眼里充满了忧伤。The library was full of students revising for the final exams.图书馆里全是在为准备期末考试而复习的学生。I was full of jealousy and hurt.我的心里充满了妒忌和痛苦。The public don't necessarily want the paraphernalia of a full hearing.公众并不一定希望走全面听证的复杂程序。No dessert for me, thank you. I'm full. 不要甜点了,谢谢。我吃饱了。In full light, you could see Alison was well over forty.光线充足时,你能看出艾莉森已经四十好几了。I've never known anyone be so full of beans before breakfast.我从没见过还未吃早饭就如此生龙活虎的人。If you've got friends or family coming to stay, make it really special by giving them the full treatment.如果你有朋友或家人过来住,那就特别关照他们,给予他们盛情款待。Her briefcase was stuffed full of papers.她的公文包里塞满了文件。The boy's eyes were full of fear.男孩的眼中充满了恐惧。The world, my world anyhow, is full of stupid guys like Gary.这世界,至少我的世界里充满了像加里这样的笨蛋。According to him, politics is full of phonies.他认为政坛里都是骗子。I'd love to help but I've got my hands full organizing the school play.我愿意帮忙,可是我正忙着组织学校的戏剧演出,腾不出空儿来。I'm afraid I can't book you onto that flight as it's full.恐怕我没法帮你订上那次航班,已经满员了。Her speech was full of boring tags.她的讲演充斥着令人腻烦的陈腐警句。The cement plant is going full blast.水泥厂正大力发展生产。The hotels are full up, and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue.宾馆已经客满了,客人们不得不到斯图尔特街上这家偏远的小汽车旅馆里来。The room was full of stuffed animals in glass cases.那个房间里满是放在玻璃柜里的动物标本。The article was full of overworked expressions.这篇文章里充斥着陈词滥调。My desk is covered in/full of clutter.我书桌上堆得乱七八糟。For full details of this exclusive offer, just send in a stamped addressed envelope.欲知有关这项独家优惠的详情,寄上贴有邮票写有姓名地址的信封即可。I have my hands full.我忙得不可开交。He had hoped to continue as a full-time career officer.他希望继续做一名全职的职业军官。The investigator did a full scan of the computer's files.调查人员仔细审查了这台电脑上的所有文件。I ran the dishwasher even though it wasn't full.尽管洗碗机没装满,我还是把它开动了。The school's budget is being cut, and teachers and parents are in full cry. 学校预算被削减,教师和家长们全都表示强烈不满。Her closet was full of hand-me-downs from her older sisters.她的衣橱里全是她几个姐姐穿剩的衣服。The prognosis after the operation was for a full recovery.手术后的预断结果是完全康复。Steve won the poker game with a full house.史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这把牌。Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal.许多经济学家认为全面就业是不现实的目标。Why is the heating on full blast on such a warm day?为什么在这么暖和的日子把暖气开到最大?To earn full credit you must include at least three maps with your project.要想得满分,你的方案中至少要包含三幅地图。The leaders have promised a return to full democracy.领导人已经承诺要回归完全的民主。We will give our full allegiance to the party.我们会对党无限忠诚。Despite her eighty years, Elsie was full of vitality.尽管已八十岁了,埃尔茜依然充满活力。Her stories are full of moral ambiguities.她的故事充满了含混不明的道德寓意。Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the full extent of the forest.站在山顶上,你可以看到森林的全貌。She meant that her full name was Lillian Margaret Smith.她是想说她全名是莉莲·玛格丽特·史密斯。She has a full face.她长着一张圆脸。Peace talks have been initiated in an attempt to avert full scale war.为避免战争全面爆发,和平谈判已经开始。




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