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词汇 papers
例句 It took a while to hunt out the papers, but we finally found everything we needed.我们找文件花了点时间,但最终找到了所有需要的东西。The papers have been sent to Saudi Arabia for translation.文件被送到沙特阿拉伯进行翻译。Clear those papers off the desk.把那些文件从桌子上拿开。Many of the papers muse on the fate of the President.很多报纸都在揣测总统的命运。Jerry had too many test papers to read, so she farmed out half of them to a friend.杰丽要批阅的考卷太多了,因而把一半包给了朋友。The text of the president's speech will be published in full in tomorrow's papers.明天的报纸上将全文刊登总统的演说。The exam papers are set by experienced teachers.试卷是由经验丰富的教师出的。These two papers give a completely different slant on the events of the last week.这两份报纸对于上周发生的事件持完全不同的看法。I tidied all the loose papers away before the guests arrived.在客人到来之前,我把所有散落的报纸都拾掇起来。She said that the papers had lately nipped at the Speaker.她说近来报纸在找议长的麻烦。Some 300 papers were presented at the conference.会上提出了大约三百篇论文。She took the papers and decamped.她拿了文件潜逃了。He served her with divorce papers.他向她送交了离婚协议书。You may turn over your exam papers now.现在你们可以翻开考卷了。Did my homework get mixed up with your papers?我的作业是不是和你的文件混到一起了?Many, if not most, scientific papers are presented orally at scientific meetings.许多科学论文,即便不是大多数,都是以口头形式在科学会议上发表的。When will this important report hit the papers?这篇重要报道什么时候见报?John canvassed the papers carefully, hunting for houses to let.约翰仔细看报,寻找房屋招租的广告。The people at the tax department were very officious, and kept everyone waiting for hours while they checked their papers.税务局的人官气十足,在检查文件时让每个人都等了好几个小时。She ran after me to hand me some papers I'd dropped.她在后面追我,把我掉的一些文件交给我。At this time of year, the papers are full of advertisements for skiing holidays.每年的这个时候,报纸上都登满了滑雪度假的广告。He was busy behind a pile of papers on his desk.他在桌子上高高堆起的文件后面忙碌着。She searched through the pile of papers and found his letter underneath.她在一堆文件里搜寻,终于在底下找到了他的信。After the scandal, he had to send in his papers.出了丑闻后,他不得不辞职。I have a stack of papers to mark.我有一堆试卷要批改。She started sorting through the papers.她开始整理报纸。The bag bulged with papers and letters.包里鼓鼓囊囊地塞满了文件和信件。She was still looking down at her papers.她仍低头看着文件。Many papers comment editorially that the proposals could damage press freedom.很多报纸发表社论称,这些提案可能会损害新闻自由。The new project gained publicity through papers.这项新工程透过报纸得到广泛宣传。He sorted out the papers to be thrown away.他把要处理掉的文件挑了出来。Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers.英国会对运载证件不齐全的乘客进入国内的航空公司课以罚款。The papers the factory produces are of excellent grade.该厂生产的各种纸品均质地优良。Have you thrown the papers away?你把那些报纸扔掉了吗?I bundled the papers together.我把文件捆在了一起。He parked a load of papers on my desk.他把一大摞文件放在我桌上。His own papers were works of art on which he laboured with loving care.他自己的一篇篇论文就是他充满深情写出的精心杰作。A gust of wind blew the papers all over the room.一阵风把文件吹得满屋子都是。At her feet were a spillage of papers.她的脚旁有一些散落的文件。The teacher was busy grading papers.老师正忙着给论文评分。




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