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The rescue crew has been working for three days straight.救援队已经连续工作三天了。They worked through the night without a break.他们连续工作了一个晚上。I carried on working until I thought I would collapse.我不知停歇地连续工作,直到觉得自己即将垮掉时才停下来。He has been working week in and week out with no vacation.他连续工作了很多星期没有休假。He is unable to work for long stretches.他不能长时间地连续工作。He worked for three days and nights at a stretch.他连续工作了三天三夜。They worked away all day.他们连续工作了一整天。She's worked for 27 hours without a break.她已连续工作了二十七个小时。Harry had worked for eight hours without a break.哈里不停地连续工作了八小时。We'd been working solidly for two hours and felt it was time to take a breather.我们已经连续工作了两个小时,感觉该休息一下了。 |