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词汇 连续不断
例句 The constant whine of the machinery jangled his nerves.机器连续不断的嘎嘎声扰得他烦燥不安。Her constant campaigning eventually got her the nomination.连续不断地参选,终于赢得了提名。Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.居民们报告说他们听到了连续不断的枪声。The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry.连续不断的猛烈炮轰摧垮了步兵的士气。The loudspeakers poured forth a continuous programme of martial music.扬声器连续不断地放送军乐节目。The man let forth an uninterrupted stream of abuse.那个男人连续不断地辱骂。She could sometimes talk away for hours on end.有时候她可以连续不断地谈上几个小时。We were sickened by the non-stopping noise.连续不断的噪音使我们感到厌恶。CNN provided continuous coverage of the trial.有线新闻网连续不断地报道那次审判。Hitler thought that by the ceaseless bombings over England, he would bring the English to terms, but he was mistaken.希特勒想用连续不断的轰炸使英国人就范,但他打错主意了。People can become desensitized to violence by endless images of war.人们看了连续不断的战争影像后可能对暴力行为就变得麻木了。The constant rain dulled all sound.连续不断的雨使得所有的声音都变低沉了。Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery.卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪的声音和连续不断的大炮声在喀布尔回荡。Her life seems to have consisted of an unending series of disasters.她的生活似乎是由连续不断的灾难组成的。He has somehow survived a year-long train of defeats.经受了一年来连续不断的失败,他好歹活了下来。Their neighbours complained about their constant loud music.左邻右舍不满他们连续不断以很大音量播放音乐。




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