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词汇 pants
例句 I was so scared I almost pissed my pants.我吓得差点尿裤子。She took down the child's pants and spanked his bottom.她拉下孩子的裤子,打他屁股。Bell-bottom pants are, once again, on their way out.喇叭裤又要过时了。These pants are on the tight side. 这条裤子有点紧。The cat tore at my pants with its claws.那只猫用爪子撕破了我的裤子。Tilly had wet her pants so I was looking for somewhere to change her.蒂莉把裤子尿湿了,我正在找地方给她换衣服。He was running the company by the seat of his pants.他开公司什么都自己摸索着干。You've got splashes of mud on your pants.你裤子上溅了泥浆。The pants were a little too short and needed to be let down a little.这条裤子有点太短了,需要加长一点。Catherine the Great was apparently an imperial hot pants.叶卡捷琳娜大帝显然是个性欲旺盛的女王。There were mud spots on the back of his pants.他裤子后面有些泥点。Go ahead, smarty-pants, tell us about your grade point average.说吧,百事通,说说你的平均成绩是多少。These pants are too baggy at the knees.这裤子膝盖部位太宽松了。Bill was wearing a polo shirt and baggy blue pants.比尔穿了一件马球衬衫和一条蓝色的宽松裤。Iwas so scared I almost wet my pants!我很害怕,差点儿尿湿了裤子。Sunbathing bores the pants off me.晒日光浴真把我无聊死了。The meeting bored the pants off me.会议让我觉得无聊至极。He wore brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt.他身着棕色灯芯绒裤子和白色棉衬衫。He put on a pair of short pants and an undershirt.他穿上了一条短裤和一件汗衫。You deserve a kick in the pants making such a darned slob of yourself.瞧你这懒懒散散的鬼样子,活该栽大跟斗。 He tucked his shirt into his pants.他把衬衫掖进裤腰。The elastic waistband of my pants won't stretch any more.我裤子的松紧带没弹性了。Mud covered his pants from the knees downward.他的裤子膝盖以下的地方满是泥巴。I think we caught them with their pants down. They're a bit confused.我觉得我们让他们下不了台了。他们有点不知所措。Waterproofed fabric pants are more expensive than plastic pants.防水纤维短裤比塑料短裤贵多了。He was wearing cotton pants and an open-necked shirt.他穿着棉布短裤和开领衫。She was wearing a blue silk top and black pants.她穿着蓝色真丝上衣和黑色的裤子。Okay, smarty-pants, you tell me how to do it. 好吧,自作聪明的家伙,那你告诉我怎么做呀。Men's pants are sized in inches.男裤的尺寸按英寸计。This shirt clashes with these pants.这件衬衫和这条裤子不搭配。Her pants were torn/cut to ribbons. 她的裤子被撕/割成了碎片。He was wearing riding pants, high boots, and spurs.他穿着马裤和长筒靴,靴上带着马刺。The defendant wore a blue blazer, a white shirt, and gray pants with a sharp crease.被告穿一件蓝外衣、一件白衬衫和一条褶痕很挺的灰裤子。The fat old man looked grotesque in his tight pants.那胖老头穿著紧身裤显得很可笑。The shirt and pants are available in three coordinating styles/colors.这件衬衫和裤子有三种可以搭配的款式/颜色。He split his pants when he squatted down.他蹲下去时绷裂了裤子。He split his pants at the seams when he bent over.他弯下身去时,把裤子接缝处绷裂了。She wore the same pants day after day.她每天都穿同一条裤子。He's not the first politician to be caught with his pants down, and he won't be the last.他不是第一个遇到这种尴尬的政客,也不会是最后一个。His pants tore at the seam.他的裤子在接缝处裂开了口。




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