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词汇 pad
例句 He sits with a foam pad behind him to help support his lower back.他坐着,后面垫着海绵垫支撑腰部。The launching pad was reinforced to withstand tremendous shock.发射台经加固以承受巨大冲力。The destroyer was equipped with a launching pad.驱逐舰上有直升机起飞坪。Try pressing on the wound with a large pad of cotton wool.试试用一大块棉布压住伤口。If I wanted to pad out my sermon a little, I might offer my congregation one of my favourite quotations.如果我想把布道时间延长一点儿,可能会给教众引用一段我最喜欢的话。Soap operas have long been a launch pad for film actors.长期以来,肥皂剧一直都是电影演员走红的跳板。Press on the wound with a large pad of cotton wool.用大块药棉按住伤口。He lost all his money and had to pad it home.他所有的钱都丢了,只好步行回家。It wouldn't have occurred to me to get myself a bachelor pad.否则我不会想到给自己找一套单身公寓。Keep a pad handy to jot down queries as they occur.手边放一本便笺簿,以便有问题时随时记下。He had to pad his belly and cheeks for the role.为了扮演那个角色,他只好把肚子和脸颊垫高。She lent me the keys to her pad while she was away.她外出时把住处的钥匙借给了我。Insert the cushion pad into the cover.把软垫嵌入盖子。Every one in the division was in on the pad.这部门的每个人都得了赃款。He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot.他把针头拔出,在扎针处按了一块药棉。Layers of foam mat can be used to pad the seat.泡沫垫子可以用作坐椅的衬垫。An electronic scratch pad allows the user to jot down notes for later reference.电子暂存器可提供随手记录供以后查阅的功能。The rocket blew up on the launch pad.火箭在发射台上爆炸了。Welland made a pretence of writing a note in his pad.韦兰假装在便笺簿上记笔记。The doctor put a gauze pad over the wound.医生将纱布垫敷在了伤口上。She used a cushion to pad the bench.她把坐垫儿垫在长凳上。He cleaned the wound with a pad of cotton wool.他用一块药棉清洗了伤口。Each student should have a pencil and pad.每个学生都应有一枝铅笔和一本便条纸簿。She doodled on a pad as she spoke.她一边说话一边在拍纸簿上乱涂乱画。She heard the pad of bare feet coming down the stairs.她听到了赤脚下楼的轻悄的脚步声。They keep a pad and pencil by the phone.他们在电话旁边放有便笺簿和铅笔。If I can't find a place to stay, maybe I could stay at your pad.如果我找不到住的地方,也许要住在你家。Mickey sat at the kitchen table doing calculations on a scratch pad.米基坐在厨房餐桌旁,在拍纸簿上计算着。It was the launching pad for a media career that has made her one of the highest-paid people on British TV.她就是凭此跳板进入媒体行业,成为英国电视界最高薪人士之一。Keep a pen and pad handy by the phone.在电话旁边备一支笔和一本便笺簿。She wiped her eye make-up off with a cotton wool pad.她用卸妆棉擦去了眼影。I tore another sheet from the pad.我又从拍纸簿上扯下一张纸。The rabbit's pad was caught in a trap.兔子的脚被捕捉机夹住了。Ellington's band was a launching pad for many gifted jazz musicians.埃林顿的乐队是许多天才爵士乐手的跳板。The hospital has built a helicopter pad.那家医院建了一块直升机停机坪。We're counting on getting you to our pad. Rap some, smoke a little.我们正盼着把你弄到我们这儿来呢。聊聊天儿,抽上两口。Wimbledon has been a launch pad for so many players.温布尔登一直是成就众多球手的地方。This new mattress pad will mold to your body when you sleep on it.这个新床垫会在你睡上去时和你的身体相契合。Press the start button on the touch pad.按触摸板上的开始键。He has a nice little pad in Davies Street.他在戴维斯街有一处舒适的小窝。




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