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词汇 owners
例句 The factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the workers.工厂主对工人们提出的要求置若罔闻。The government restructured the coal industry before selling it to private owners.在将煤炭行业进行私有化之前,政府对其进行了结构调整。New owners punched up the newspaper with color photographs.新老板们用彩色照片为报纸增色。Some bar owners disfavor the ban on smoking.一些酒吧老板不赞成禁烟令。Loud frogs are disturbing the sleep of local home owners.高声鸣叫的青蛙妨碍了当地居民的睡眠。The previous owners of the house had hired an expensive interior decorator.原先的屋主高薪聘请了一位室内设计师。The restaurant's new owners have created a welcoming ambience.这家餐厅的新主人营造出一种舒适的气氛。The consignment of the property to the new owners will take place tomorrow.这笔财产将在明天移交给新主人。Shop-owners and residents alike seem bemused by the recent arrival of so many tourists.店主和居民似乎都对近来出现那么多游客感到不解。In Victorian times, factory owners were often also philanthropists.在维多利亚时代,工厂主常常也是慈善家。Club owners in Kansas City paid paltry wages to jazz musicians but gave them steady work.堪萨斯市的俱乐部老板付给爵士乐手的工资少得可怜,但工作倒是稳定的。It is a safe bet that the current owners will not sell.十有八九现在的业主不会出售。The company owes its success to the complementary talents of its co-owners.公司的成功归功于合伙人之间的才能互补。The owners of the golf club are determined to keep it exclusive.高尔夫俱乐部业主决定俱乐部只为会员服务。Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation.一些公众会迫不及待地想要抓住机会成为这家公司的持股人。This type of pension plan is popular with business owners or property-rich investors.这种养老金计划在拥有自己生意的或是拥有多处房产的人中很受欢迎。It has been skilfully renovated by the present owners.现在的主人非常巧妙地将其翻修了。The power struggle between the two owners destroyed the company.公司两个所有人之间的权力斗争毁掉了公司。Gaskins plays outrageously funny tricks on unsuspecting pet owners.加斯金斯在毫无戒备的宠物主人身上玩起了极为滑稽搞笑的戏法。The slaves were punished for rebelling against their owners.奴隶们因反叛奴隶主而受到了惩罚。The new owners are trying to restore the company/building to its former glory.新的所有者们正努力使这家公司/这栋大楼重现昔日的辉煌。Since the end of the war, many of the paintings have been found and returned to their rightful owners.战争结束以后,许多画作都已找到,还给了其合法的主人。The car's service manual is designed to operate as a guide for owners.汽车的售后服务手册被设计成具有用户指南的功用。We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the company.我们希望在新业主接管公司时能够平稳过渡。Garage mechanics are twice as likely to overcharge women car owners as men.修车技工对女性车主开价过高的可能性是对男性车主的两倍。Bondholders have the power to compel the city to levy a tax on property owners.债券持有人有权强迫市政当局向业主征税。Home-owners who put their money into building society accounts could be losing thousands each year.把钱投入建房协会账户的房主每年可能损失几千元。The next item will be of special interest to viewers who are dog-owners.下一则新闻将是养狗的观众特别感兴趣的。The owners claimed the tax assessment on their house was too high.业主们声称征收的房产税过高了。Using their high-tech wizardry, the police were able to locate the owners of the stolen property within hours of it being seized.利用高科技手段,警方可以在缴获被窃财物几小时内找到失主。When the business became large, the owners incorporated it.商店业务扩充后,老板把它组成了公司。Angry residents have declared war on the owners of the factory.气愤的居民已经向工厂主宣战。Plantation owners kept slaves down by refusing them an education.种植园主不让奴隶受教育,以此来控制他们。The owners were certainly enthused by the offer.那些业主肯定对这一报价感兴趣。Ask for the history of the car if it is a repo, and go through the details of the owners, the mileage and the repairs that have been carried out on it. 询问汽车的历史,是不是被收回的车,然后看一遍车主们的细节、里程和维修历史等。The building was purchased and occupied by its new owners last year.这幢大楼去年被新房主买下并入住了。The owners are ready to meet the miners.矿主们准备和矿工会谈。He hoped to reach an accommodation with the new owners.他希望与新的所有者们达成协议。The stolen paintings have now been restored to their rightful owners.被盗走的画现在已归还给了其合法主人。The owners don't want to overlook any opportunity to make a buck.老板们不想错过任何可以赚钱的机会。




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