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词汇 鉴赏力
例句 They have little appreciation of the arts.他们对艺术几乎没有鉴赏力She had a discerning eye for both classic and contemporary drama.她对古典和现代戏剧皆具鉴赏力That experience helped him develop a feeling for the beauty of nature.那段经历帮助他培养了对自然美的鉴赏力They all admired her taste.他们全都钦佩她的鉴赏力She has an incredibly good eye for fashion.她对时装有惊人的鉴赏力The more plays he sees the better an audience he becomes.他戏看得越多就越有出色的鉴赏力And she, too, suffers from a lack of critical engagement with the literary texts.她也因为对文学作品缺乏鉴赏力而非常痛苦。Pisceans almost always seem to have a keen eye for beauty.双鱼座的人似乎总是对美具有敏锐的鉴赏力They have exquisite taste in furniture.他们对家具极富鉴赏力Julie has really good taste in books.朱莉对书籍的鉴赏力很高。As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew.随著年龄的增长,他对艺术的鉴赏力也提高了。She has instinctive good taste and a fine feeling for gracious living.她拥有与生俱来的高品位以及对高雅生活洞察幽微的鉴赏力He has an artist's eye for color.他对色彩有艺术家的鉴赏力She has sophisticated tastes.她有老道的鉴赏力She has an unusual sensibility for colours.她对色彩具有突出的鉴赏力He has no dress sense.他对服装没什么鉴赏力Tastes in fiction vary from person to person.对小说的鉴赏力因人而异。She has impeccable taste in music.她对音乐有完美的鉴赏力She has good/poor taste in music.她在音乐方面很有/没有鉴赏力Good taste is inborn and cannot be learned.好的鉴赏力是天赋的,无法通过后天习得。The course aims to develop the children's appreciation of music in performance.该课程旨在培养孩子们欣赏音乐演出的鉴赏力You need to have a good eye for colour and design if you are going to decorate your own house.如果要自己来装修房子,你得对色彩和设计有良好的鉴赏力It helps children to develop an appreciation of poetry and literature.这有助于儿童培养对诗歌和文学作品的鉴赏力




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