例句 |
This is one of those movies that will separate the casual movie-goers from the real connoisseurs.这是那些能区分出偶尔去看电影的观众和真正的电影鉴赏家的影片之一。He posed as a connoisseur in paintings.他冒充绘画鉴赏家。His bluff exterior belied a connoisseur of antiques.他外表粗放,令人看不出他是古董鉴赏家。She knew Felix fancied himself as a connoisseur.她知道费利克斯把他自己当成鉴赏家。Contemporary arbiters of taste dismissed his paintings as rubbish.当代鉴赏家把他的画斥为垃圾。She has an international reputation among film cognoscenti.她是一位享有国际声誉的电影鉴赏家。 |