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词汇 overnight
例句 It is against the law to park here overnight.整夜在这里停车是违法的。Employees are not to leave their cars in the company parking lot overnight.员工不可以将车停在公司停车场内过夜。Downing Street denied there had been a hurried overnight redrafting of the text.唐宁街否认连夜匆忙修改了文本。The need to improve teaching standards is recognized; however, it is not something that is going to happen overnight.教学标准需要提高这是人所公认的,但是,那不是一夜之间就能实现的事。She hurriedly stuffed some things into an overnight bag and left.她匆匆忙忙地把过夜用的旅行袋装满了东西就离开了。The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.那部电影几乎在一夜之间就让她从一名默默无闻的女学生变成了一位巨星。It'll turn quite misty, with drizzle overnight.将出现大雾,伴以整夜的毛毛雨。The paint dried overnight.漆过一夜就变干了。The overnight train runs every night of the week except Saturdays.这趟夜班火车除了周六外每个晚上都运行。Our shares became completely valueless overnight.一夜之间我们的股票变得一文不值了。The hospital kept him in overnight.医院让他留院一晚。She went from rags to riches overnight.她一夜之间从赤贫变成巨富。We used to camp overnight in the open during the war years.在那些战争年头,我们惯常在露天过夜。They are dispatched from our nursery by overnight carrier.它们由夜间运货车从我们的苗圃运走。The patient's condition took a turn for the worse overnight.这个病人的病情一夜之间就恶化了。She packed a small overnight bag with some clothes and odds and ends.她把一些衣服和零碎东西塞进一个小旅行袋里。With this ticket you can travel direct from Paris to Berlin overnight.你用这张票可以一夜之间从巴黎直达柏林。An overnight stay at a friend's house disorients me.在朋友家过夜让我觉得晕晕乎乎的。If the stain remains, soak overnight in biological detergent.如果污渍洗不掉,可放进加酶洗涤剂中浸泡一夜。The newspapers gave the plan notoriety overnight.报纸使这项计划一下子远近皆知。The weather had turned warm and thundery overnight.天气一夜之间就转暖,而且雷声阵阵。For optimum results, allow the paint to dry overnight.为了达到最理想的效果,要让油漆晾一个晚上。The documents were sent by overnight courier.这些文件是通过次日达专递公司发出的。We need overnight accommodations for four people.我们需要处四个人过夜的地方。The weather turned cold overnight.天气一夜间变冷了。Ice had crystallized on the window pane overnight.一夜之间窗格上就结出了冰晶。The doctors have decided to keep him overnight but there is nothing to be alarmed about.医生决定让他留院一晚,但这没什么可担心的。Leave the cloth to steep in the dye overnight.把布放进染料里浸一夜。It should be a great week, with overnight stops in assorted hotels in the West Highlands.那一周会过得很开心,晚上可以在西部高地上的各式旅馆里过夜。The guests lodged with their hosts overnight.客人们在主人家住了一晚。He'll be away overnight.他一晚上都会不在。The package was couriered overnight to our offices.这件包裹是通过次日达专递送到我们办公室的。Leave curtains to drip-dry overnight.让窗帘在夜里滴干。It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.期待这些改变一夜之间就能实现是不切实际的。It had been wet overnight, and a morning mist lay on the field.前一天晚上下了雨,田野上笼着一层晨雾。He stayed overnight and went home the next day.他住了一晚上,第二天就回家了。As the boat leaves only on alternate days, you have no alternative but to stay here overnight.因为船隔天开,你只好留宿一夜,别无其他办法。Almost overnight, that sweet, little child had transmogrified into an antisocial monster.几乎是一夜之间,那个可爱的小孩彻底变成了一个反社会的魔王。If you leave your bike out overnight, it's likely to disappear.把自行车在外面放一整夜的话,有可能会丢。Let the meat marinate overnight.就让肉晚上腌着吧。




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