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Local tradesmen are objecting to plans for a big new out-of-town shopping centre.当地的店主们反对在城郊新建大型购物中心的计划。The band has an out-of-town show tomorrow night.乐队明晚在外地演出。The out-of-town shopping centre will kill local trade.城外的购物中心将会令本地商业难以为继。Traffic is backing up on all out-of-town routes.所有出城的道路都出现了交通堵塞。Local shops are facing fierce competition from out-of-town shopping centres.区域性小型商店正面临城郊大型购物中心的激烈竞争。Town centre shops face a threat from large out-of-town developments which offer hundreds of shops under one roof.市中心的商店面临来自市郊的大型新开发区的威胁,那里一幢建筑物内就可容纳好几百家商店。There's a separate slot for out-of-town mail.有一个专门投寄外埠邮件的信槽。 |