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词汇 out of line
例句 Your neck pain was caused by your hips being out of line.你的颈部疼痛是由髋骨错位引起的。They will automatically penalize any country which steps out of line.他们必然会对任何越轨的国家加以惩处。You're way out of line, lady.女士,你实在是太过分了。If you step out of line, you'll get kicked off the bus.如果你不规矩,就会被赶下公共汽车。The prisoners were warned that if they stepped out of line they would be severely punished.囚犯们受到警告说,如果他们不守规矩就会受到严惩。Their predictions were hopelessly out of line with the actual results.他们的预测与实际结果大相径庭。He was out of line for criticizing his wife publicly.他当众指责妻子,真是不近情理。That comment was way out of line.那句评论非常不当。Your behavior is out of line.你的行为出格了。His ideas are out of line with reality.他的想法不切实际。It was made quite clear to me that if I stepped out of line again I'd be out of a job.他们和我讲得很清楚,我如果再犯错就会丢饭碗了。Please excuse me if I'm being out of line.我如有失礼之处请多包涵。The cartoon seems out of line with modern sensibilities. 这部卡通片似乎与那些具有现代情怀的人不合拍。They were severely punished for stepping out of line.他们因行动出格受到严厉惩罚。Step out of line one more time, Peters, and you're fired!彼得斯,你再做一次出格的事,就立刻走人!Anybody who steps out of line will be in deep trouble.谁要是违反规定谁就倒大霉。I can't believe that guy was so rude to you! He was really/way out of line.我简直不敢相信那家伙会对你如此粗暴!他真是太过分了。One step out of line and a journalist's career is washed up.只要越轨一步,一个新闻记者的生涯就会被断送。 The boss is very tough on anyone who steps out of line.老板对违反规定的人毫不手软。Any one of my players who steps out of line will be in trouble with me as well.我的任何队员若是举止不当我也不会轻饶。The cost of goods here is out of line with the rest of the world.这里的商品成本与世界其他地方的商品成本有差异。These prices are way out of line with what other stores are charging.与其他商店相比,这些价格太离谱了。You can see that her nose has been drawn slightly out of line.你可以看到她的鼻子画得稍稍有点歪。




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