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词汇 目睹
例句 We have seen a sharp decline in educational standards over recent years.近年我们目睹了教育水平的急剧下滑。Not many people saw what happened.没多少人目睹事情的经过。Over the centuries we have seen many civilizations come and go.几个世纪以来,我们目睹了各种文明来来往往。He saw the shooting and memorized the number of the assassin's car.目睹了枪杀事件并记住了刺杀者的车牌号。We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home.我们目睹了一家人正在收拾家当准备离开的凄惨景象。The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.对于他来说,让她目睹了这件不体面的事件完全没关系。The small group of tourists on board stared morosely at the pathetic event.车上的一小群游客目睹了这一悲惨事件,心情沉重。I had a clear view of the accident. 我清楚地目睹了那场事故。It's very possible that we may see a movement to separate the two parts of the country.很可能我们会目睹一场分裂该国这两个地区的运动。Those who have beheld the beauty of the desert never forget it.凡是目睹过那片沙漠美景的人都难以忘怀。Survivors from the concentration camps had witnessed unspeakable atrocities.集中营的幸存者目睹了言语无法形容的暴行。A man seen hanging around the area prior to the shooting could have been involved.在枪杀案发生之前,有人目睹一位男子在这附近游荡,该男子可能与此案有关。When the ship finally reached land, only a few of the crew were left to witness the event.船最终靠岸时,只有几个船员能留下来目睹此事。She was witness to the tragic event.目睹了这一悲剧。The child was unable to offer an articulate description of what she had witnessed.孩子无法对她所目睹的事情作出清楚的描述。We are witnessing a piece of history in the making.我们正在目睹一段历史的创造。It is unlikely that anyone saw the attack.未必有人目睹这次袭击事件。I witnessed the traffic accident.目睹了那次交通事故。The old woman claimed she had eyewitnessed the murder.老妇人声称她目睹了那起凶杀事件。He recoiled in horror at the savagery which he witnessed.目睹那种野蛮行径,吓得直往后退。He saw the shooting and memorised the number of the assassin's car.目睹了枪击过程并记住了刺客的车牌号码。We're witnessing the gradual disappearance of an old way of life.我们正在目睹旧生活方式的逐渐消失。Some of the most disturbed children had witnessed really traumatic things, such as rape and murder.有些心理极不正常的孩子曾经目睹过给他们造成精神创伤的事情,例如强奸和谋杀。A bunch of people saw what happened, but they all clammed up about it.一群人目睹了发生的事,但他们都缄口不言。Anyone who witnessed the attack should call the police.目睹这次袭击的人都应向警方报告。We have seen the capitulation of towns, of celebrated fortresses, of states.我们目睹了城镇、著名要塞以及国家一个个相继投降。The incident was witnessed by several guests at the hotel.此次事件被旅馆的几名旅客所目睹They're now seeing their daughters hitting the glass ceiling and they are horrified at the effects.他们现在目睹自己的女儿们遭遇升迁的障碍,其结果令他们大为震惊。He spoke with feeling about the injustice he had seen.他情绪激动地谈论了他所目睹的不公正之事。The lawyer's ace in the hole was a secret witness who had seen the accident.那律师手中的一张王牌是目睹那次事件的一个秘密人证。I witnessed a rare display of affection between them.目睹了他们之间罕见的感情流露。We have seen the same pattern throughout the history of mankind.我们在人类的历史长河中目睹过相同的模式。Too often children are witness to a disturbing amount of violence.孩子们经常会目睹暴力事件,其数量之多令人不安。They have already seen their total debts spiral back towards unsustainable levels.他们已经看目睹其债务总额急剧增长,又回到了不能维持下去的水平。I witnessed the awful sight of children drinking dirty water from puddles.目睹了一个可怕的情景,孩子们居然在喝水坑里面的污水。Too often children are witness to violence.孩子们经常会目睹暴力事件。This description didn't seem to tally with what we saw.这一描述似乎与我们目睹的情况不符。They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found.目睹困苦、潦倒的景象,他们感到心里极不舒服。We see cruelty and injustice happen, but we pass by on the other side.我们目睹了暴行与不公,但我们袖手旁观。In the book she describes the agony of watching her child die.她在书中描写了目睹儿子死去的痛苦。




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