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例句 If I buy him a giftvoucher for his birthday he can get what he likes, a record or whatever.他生日时我如果给他买张礼券,他就可以去买他喜欢的东西,一张唱片啦什么的。Please help yourselves to tea or coffee or whatever.请随便喝点茶、咖啡或其他什么吧。They will give you inoculations and things to cure you from typhoid, or whatever it is.他们会替你打针等等,以治疗你的伤寒或其他什么疾病。 Iused to meet customers in bars and pubs or whatever, and we'd do our business there.我过去经常在酒吧或酒馆之类的地方会见顾客,并在那儿洽谈生意。They're armed with sub-machine-guns or machine-pistols or whatever you call those things.他们持有轻机枪或者冲锋枪,还是什么玩意儿的。You could put an advert in some magazine, journal, newspaper, or whatever.你可以在某个杂志、期刊、报纸什么的上面登个广告。I don't really want to be a poet, dramatist, or whatever.我并不真想当诗人,剧作家,或其他诸如此类的人。More likely it was kids playing a prank or a wrong number or whatever.这更有可能是孩子们在搞恶作剧,或是拨错了电话,诸如此类。You may like a Malt whisky that is peatier, or smokier, or sweeter, or whatever.你可能想来一杯麦芽威士忌,炭香味重些的、烟熏味重些的或者更甘甜些的,或者什么别的口味的。




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