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词汇 organizations
例句 The talks will extend to the church, human-rights groups, and other social organizations.会谈将涉及教会、人权团体和其他社会组织。They will be taking part in the discussions, along with many other organizations.他们将会与许多其他组织一起参加讨论。The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations.政府监察机构已经欣然接受了这些新规则。She has been honored by several organizations for her charitable works.她的慈善工作已得到了几个组织的赞誉。Hundreds of teenagers volunteer willingly to help in service organizations.数百名青少年志愿者乐意到服务机构帮忙。Children's organizations are calling for a clamp-down on TV violence.儿童机构在呼吁禁止电视暴力。All the affiliated organizations are in favor of the plan.所有附属组织都赞成这个计划。Emergency aid is being provided by non-governmental relief organizations.紧急援助正由非政府救助组织提供。Our program gives academic credit for working with several social service organizations.在几个社会服务组织中的工作可在我们的课程中记入学分。All the organizations involved have sent urgent appeals to the government, asking for extra funding.所有相关机构都向政府紧急呼吁,要求追加资金。The two organizations paired up to educate the public about the threat of global warming.这两个组织联合起来对公众进行有关全球变暖威胁的教育。Some organizations encourage a culture of secrecy.一些机构鼓励保密的做法。Companies want to prevent their best and brightest employees from being headhunted by rival organizations.各家公司都希望防止自己最优秀最聪明的雇员被竞争对手挖走。The Government's lead will be followed by the big organizations in trade.一些大贸易团体将仿效政府的做法。The seniors organizations sent out mailings to their constituencies.老年人组织向各自的会员寄送了邮件。That we are expelled from participation in international organizations is bound to have profound ramifications upon the relations between our two countries.我方被拒绝参加国际组织势必将对两国的关系产生深远的延伸性影响。Most of these specialized schools are provided by voluntary organizations.这些专业学校大多由志愿组织建立。The mainstream political parties are losing support to smaller, more radical organizations.主流政党正在失去支持,民心逐渐转向一些规模较小、比较激进的组织。There is increasing social mobility among senior white collar workers, who are able to move quite rapidly between organizations.高级白领的社会流动性越来越大,他们能够在企业之间迅速流动。The British give animal welfare organizations over £200 million per year.英国人每年向动物福利机构捐赠超过两亿英镑。We made our premises available to the organizations in charge of flood relief.我们提供房舍给负责洪灾救助的组织使用。Prejudice remains deeply ingrained in many organizations.在许多组织机构中偏见依然根深蒂固,难以消除。International organizations have promised aid.国际组织已承诺提供援助。She donates to organizations concerned about animal welfare.她向关注动物福利的组织捐款。The plan has been opposed by schools, businesses and other local organizations.该计划遭到了学校、企业及其他当地组织的反对。Most organizations are, quite understandably, suspicious of new ideas.大多数机构对新想法持怀疑态度,这不难理解。Government organizations dealt with housing problems at a snail's pace.政府机构对住房问题处理得十分缓慢。The demobilized soldiers were reformed into unofficial semimilitary organizations.复员军人被改编组成非正式的半军事化组织。Police and motoring organizations urged drivers to keep their speed down.警方和汽车组织敦促驾驶员放慢车速驾驶。The letter was circulated among news organizations nationwide.这封信在全国各地的新闻机构之间流传。Community leaders and those involved in faith organizations met to discuss what could be done about the recent disturbances.社区领导人与那些宗教团体人士会面,探讨最近发生的骚动的解决办法。The refugees have been fed, clothed and housed by welfare organizations around the world.这些难民由世界各地的福利机构提供食物、衣服和住处。He launches a frontal attack on working-class organizations.他对工薪阶层组织发起正面抨击。We have received pledges of help from various organizations.各种各样的组织已向我们保证要提供帮助。Ordinary volunteers form the backbone of most charitable organizations.普通志愿者组成大多数慈善机构的骨干。We give grants to support the work of voluntary organizations.我们拨款支持志愿者组织的工作。We have strengthened the service and coordinating functions of such intermediary organizations.我们强化了这类中介机构的服务与协调功能。We will need to get the agreement of local organizations.我们需要得到地方组织的同意。Several organizations cooperated in the relief efforts.在救援行动中,多个组织通力协作。We have been greatly assisted by individuals and organizations.我们得到了个人和组织的大力协助。




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