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词汇 organizers
例句 Enthused by the success of the first exhibition, its organizers are hoping to repeat the experience.由于首展告捷,组织者大受鼓舞,希望能再创佳绩。The event was judged a success by its organizers.组织者认为这项活动是成功的。There aren't enough seats for all the guests - I must tell the organizers.来宾座位不够——我得告诉筹备人员。The organizers are forging ahead with a programme of public events.组织者搞的一个公共活动计划进展神速。Concert organizers pack hundreds of people into tiny nightclubs.音乐会的组织者将数百人塞进了狭小的夜总会。Tournament organizers need to offer big money to attract the top players.锦标赛组织者需要提供大笔奖金,才能吸引高水平的运动员。The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building.组织者引领他们井然有序地走出大楼。The company illegally discharged several union organizers.公司非法开除了几名工会组织者。It was a good long-term investment. Officials and organizers can take a bow.这是一项很好的长期投资。应该对官员和组织者表示祝贺。Your old clothes will be gratefully accepted by jumble sale organizers.义卖组织者将很高兴接受你的旧衣物。The organizers guided them in an orderly fashion out of the building.组织者引领他们井然有序地走出大楼。Course organizers are hoping that all the places will be filled.课程组织者们希望所有的名额都能报满。The organizers of the demonstration concede that they hadn't sought permission for it.游行示威的组织者承认他们没有申请批准这次活动。They expressed their thanks to the organizers.他们对组织者表达了谢意。The organizers of the fair anticipate a large crowd.这个交易会的主办单位预料会有很多人前来。The organizers are congratulating themselves on attracting record numbers to the event.参加这项活动的人数之多创了纪录,组织者感到非常自豪。The organizers say it's a fair contest but who knows what goes on backstage?组织者说这是一场公平的比赛,但谁知道背后有什么名堂呢?The organizers hadn't anticipated the huge interest there was in the event.组织者没有预料到这一活动会引起人们这么大的兴趣。By the time the organizers have had their cut, there won't be much left.组织者们分红后,就会所剩无几。Community organizers help to get people out to vote on election day.社区组织者在投票日协助选民参加投票。The success of the venture reflects great credit on the organizers.这次冒险行动的成功为组织者带来了很大的荣誉。A lot of the criticism has been directed toward the concert's organizers.许多批评把矛头指向了音乐会的组织者。The concert organizers say they will donate all profits to charity.音乐会的筹办者说所有赢利都将捐给慈善事业。The show's organizers spent over $500,000 on publicity alone.这次节目的主办方单广告宣传就花了五十多万美元。The project's organizers hope the government will continue funding it next year.该计划的组织者希望来年政府会继续资助。Concert organizers branded the group's actions as puerile.音乐会组织者说这支乐队的行为很愚蠢。In his closing speech, he thanked the organizers of the conference.在闭幕词中,他对会议的组织者表示了感谢。The organizers can take a well-deserved bow.组织者让人佩服得五体投地。Demonstration organizers are urging nonviolence.游行示威组织者敦促采取非暴力方式。The organizers have achieved something quite extraordinary.演出的组织者已经取得了很了不起的成绩。His withdrawal from the event was seen as a deliberate snub to the organizers.他的退赛被认为是对组织者的有意怠慢。The organizers were upset that so few people visited the exhibition.参观展览的人太少了,组织者感到苦恼。The police tactics were roundly condemned by protest organizers.警察的手法受到了示威组织者的严厉谴责。He was just a bunny who was recruited by the organizers and he didn't understand what was going on.他只是被组织者骗进来的,并不明白发生了什么事情。




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