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词汇 organisers
例句 He heaped lavish praise upon the organisers.他对组织者大加赞赏。It is an important moment, crowning the efforts of the Cup organisers.这是个重要时刻,它使得优胜杯赛组织者的努力圆满告捷。The organisers of the demonstration concede that they hadn't sought permission for it.游行示威的组织者承认他们并未申请批准这次活动。Your old clothes will be gratefully accepted by jumble sale organisers.旧货义卖的组织者会感激地领受您捐赠的旧衣物。The Olympic organisers say that matters are well in hand.奥运会的组织方说各项事务都在掌控之中。The organisers have to employ performers to pull a crowd.组织者不得不雇些演员来聚拢人气。A planned demonstration has been called off by its organisers.原定的游行示威已被组织者取消。The organisers will give all profits from the show to charity.筹办者将把这次演出的所有收益都用作慈善捐款。Enthused by the success of the first exhibition, its organisers are hoping to repeat the experience.由于首展告捷,组织者大受鼓舞,希望能再创佳绩。The organisers were given a breakdown of the costs.向组织者提供了一份开支细目。I really must congratulate the organisers for a well-run and enjoyable event.活动办得井井有条、令人愉快,我一定要对组织者表示赞赏。He was approached by the organisers to lend support to a benefit concert.主办方找过他,希望他能对慈善音乐会给予支持。Workmen have yet to finish the new complex, but the organisers are confident it will be all right on the night.工人们还没完成新的综合大楼,但组织者相信船到桥头自然直。I really must congratulate the organisers for a well run and enjoyable event.活动安排得有条不紊,充满乐趣,我必须要称赞一下组织者。The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organisers.这个政党一直在招募工作人员,包括临时的组织人员。




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