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词汇 那东西
例句 That thing made an ungodly racket.那东西发出了令人无法忍受的响声。What's that down there in the corner?下面角落里那东西是什么? Alcohol? I never touch the stuff.酒?我从不沾那东西If you break that thing, you'll be grounded for a week – no kidding.要是你把那东西打破了,就罚你一星期不许出门 — 绝不是开玩笑的。How much did they rush you for that?那东西他们敲了你多少钱?He sent it skidding across the table with a flick of his fingers.他手指轻轻一弹,把那东西推过桌面。It will break at a touch.那东西一碰就破。What's that thing on the kitchen table?厨房桌子上的那东西是什么?Give that back, you idiot!那东西还回去,你这笨蛋!They are not hallucinated, they know that the object is not really there.他们并没有产生幻觉,他们知道那东西实际上不在那里。What do you call that thingamajig? You know – the circle with the line through it.你管那东西叫做什么?你知道的 — 就是一个圆圈,中间穿一条线。I steered it into the bottom corner of the net with my left foot.我用左脚把那东西搞到网罩的底角去了。I used to have one of those old sewing machines, but it was too cumbersome.我过去有一台这种旧式缝纫机,不过那东西太笨重了。At first he took the object for a pile of rags. He was mistaken.起初他以为那东西就是一堆破布。他搞错了。Put that thing down – you might hurt someone with it.那东西放下,拿着它可能会伤着人的。Mrs Hochstadt, who hated to see litter, had to check an impulse to run after it and pick it up.霍克施塔特太太讨厌看到乱丢垃圾,可她只得忍住冲动,没有追上去把那东西捡起来。The object was part hidden by the grass.那东西半掩在草丛中。That looks heavy. May I carry it for you?那东西看上去很沉。要我帮你提吗?What it was, whether bear or man or monkey, I could in no wise tell.究竟那东西是熊是人抑或是猴,我全然无法分辨。It slipped from his fingers and fell with a bump.那东西从他手中滑落,砰地掉在地上。I haven't seen one of those since I was a little girl.从我还是个小女孩的时候起,就再也没见过那东西了。I like that over everything else.我最喜欢那东西了。I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked.我打电话告诉安迪,那东西看上去太棒了。I mean, how could they possibly eat that stuff?.我的意思是,他们怎么可能吃那东西呢?That thing is loud.那东西声音很大。I wouldn't eat that food if my life depended on it. 那东西我宁死也不吃。I knew it was a huge gamble, buying the stuff without seeing it, but I just knew it would be good quality.我知道没看见那东西就买下来是在冒很大的风险,但我就知道它的质量是很好的。Don't drop it!/Don't let it drop!别让那东西掉下来!That's too heavy for you to carry.那东西太重了,你搬不动。Most likely it is in the lining of my coat.那东西很可能在我上衣的衬层里。He used to drink but is now off the stuff.他从前嗜酒,可现在把那东西戒了。Katie, put that down this minute, or you'll go straight to bed.凯蒂,快把那东西放下,要不现在就上床睡觉去。Len studied it in the beam of his flashlight.莱恩借着手电筒的光线仔细观察了那东西The funny thing is, when they went back it had gone.奇怪的是他们回去时那东西已经不见了。




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