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词汇 那一刻
例句 I had an attack of nerves just before I went on stage.登台前那一刻我感到非常紧张。I remember when I learned the terrible news.我还记得自己获知这一可怕消息的那一刻At that moment he heard Gill's key turning in the lock of the door.那一刻,他听见吉尔的钥匙开启门锁的声音。Jessica had conquered him the moment he agreed to leave his wife.在他同意抛弃妻子的那一刻,杰西卡已经把他征服了。Cellular decay starts at the moment of death.细胞的腐烂在死亡的那一刻就开始了。Pam dashed into the store just as it was closing.商店刚要关门的那一刻帕姆冲了进去。Then I had a moment of true inspiration.那一刻我受到了真正的鼓舞。The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.看到房子的那一刻,我们就知道我们想把它买下来。It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold medal.克里斯赢得金牌的那一刻令人不可思议。The pilots had been in control right up to the point of impact.飞行员直到发生碰撞的那一刻都一直控制着局面。At that point, anything could happen.那一刻,什么事都可能发生。At that moment there seemed nothing in the world comparable to sleep.那一刻,似乎世上任何事都比不过睡觉。From the moment he saw her, he was smitten.自从见到她的那一刻,他就着了迷。I managed to capture the moment on film.我把那一刻拍了下来。The minute I saw your brother and my friend together, I heard wedding bells.看到你哥哥和我朋友在一起的那一刻,我仿佛听到了他们婚礼的钟声。Seeing the eggs hatch out for the first time is a moment that I will never forget.第一次看到蛋孵化的那一刻令我永世难忘。It's a sad moment when a man loses his job and discovers that he is expendable.一个人丢掉工作并发现自己无足轻重的那一刻会很惨。It was a magic moment when they met.他们俩见面的那一刻真是太令人激动了。At that point the radio handset fell to pieces.就在那一刻,无线电遥控器摔得粉碎。There was silence for a moment as they held each other's eyes, broken only by the faint sound of dance music from down below.当他们四目相对的那一刻一片寂静,只有隐隐约约的舞蹈音乐从下面传来,打破了这寂静。War seemed unavoidable at that moment in history.历史上的那一刻,战争似乎不可避免。The moment was abruptly shattered by the sound of Mia's loud voice.那一刻突然被米娅的一声大叫给搅了。It was pure chance that I arrived at that moment.我在那一刻到达纯属巧合。There was an anxious moment when the plane suddenly dropped.飞机突然下坠,那一刻使人很紧张。Just then, the motor failed and the boat began drifting out of control.就在那一刻马达失灵了,小艇开始失控地随波漂流。At that moment the doorbell rang.就在那一刻,门铃响了。At that moment it entered my mind that maybe someone was trying to kill him.那一刻我突然想到也许有人想要杀死他。All footballers have to look ahead to the time when they leave the game.所有的足球运动员都要提前考虑自己退役的那一刻His moment of glory came when he won the Olympic downhill skiing event.赢得奥运会速降滑雪赛的那一刻是他最辉煌的时刻。I dread the moment when she finds out.我害怕她发现真相的那一刻At that exact instant, all the lights went out.正好在那一刻,所有的灯都熄灭了。Tell us about your moment on the summit.说说你登上顶峰的那一刻,心里是怎么想的。For one awkward moment I thought I had said something terribly wrong.那一刻我感到很尴尬,我想我是说了很不该说的话。I thought we were all goners when the plane's engine stopped.飞机引擎停止运转的那一刻,我想我们都没救了。He was writing the book up to the moment the presses rolled.直到付梓的那一刻他才完稿。I don't know what was going through her mind when she agreed to help him.我不知道她答应帮他的那一刻是怎么想的。Seeing her father again when she was an adult was an epiphany that changed her whole view of her childhood.长大后再见到父亲的那一刻,她顿时醒悟,完全改变了对自己童年的看法。She was kept very busy right up to the moment of her departure.她一直忙得不可开交,直到出发的那一刻还在忙。At that point the recording suddenly breaks off. 那一刻,录音突然中断了。The moment Mrs Thatcher fell from power has left a lasting imprint on the world's memory.撒切尔夫人倒台的那一刻在世人的记忆中留下了永久的印痕。




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