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词汇 oral
例句 Brushing your teeth regularly is an important part of good dental/oral hygiene.按时刷牙是保持牙齿/口腔卫生的重要组成部分。An oral agreement is not enough; we must have a written promise.只有口头协议是不够的;我们必须有一个书面承诺。I did well on the oral but not on the written paper.我口试考得好,但笔试不怎么样。I'm reading an oral history of the Great Depression.我正在阅读一本关于经济大萧条的口述历史著作。I've got my French oral tomorrow.我明天有法语口试。In the old oral tradition, the storyteller was an important link with the past.在古老的口述传统中,说书人是联系过去的重要人物。They gave him oral doses of the antibiotic.他们给了他口服抗生素。He passed his German oral exam.他通过了德文口试。I know I'm going to fail my German oral.我知道我的德语口试要不及格了。The readings you heard earlier were excerpted from a new oral history of Pearl Harbor.你之前听到的朗读片段节选自一部新的珍珠港口述史。His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average.不论口头还是笔头,他的文法和句法都非常出众。She practices good oral hygiene by brushing her teeth at least twice a day.她一天至少刷牙两次,保持着良好的口腔卫生。The doctor prescribed an oral dose of medicine.医生开了一剂口服药。In some examinations the oral follows a written paper.有些考试先考笔试后考口试。I passed the written part easily but failed the oral section.我轻而易举地通过笔试部分,但口试却失败了。I was expecting the oral exam to be easy, but I was in for a rude awakening.我以为口试会很简单,但是太出乎我意料了。Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past, thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine.自从发明了口服疫苗后,令人痛苦的伤寒疫苗注射就成为了过去。I just blanked in the oral exam.口试的时候,我脑子里一片空白。He studied the Anglo-Saxon oral tradition. 他研究盎格鲁—撒克逊人的口头传说。Another writer who seeks to give expression to popular oral culture is Jose Maria Arguedos.另一位寻求展现大众口头文化的作家是乔斯·玛丽亚·阿古多斯。Some historians question the validity of oral data.一些历史学家对口头材料的真实性表示怀疑。Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.将会特别强调口语训练。Anglo-Saxon stories and poems were part of a largely oral culture.盎格鲁一撒克逊民族的传说故事和诗歌是一个以口头传播为主的文化的组成部分。The oral opening in an earthworm is small.蚯蚓的口是很小的。Students may be required to undergo an oral examination in the subject and field of their dissertation.学生们可能要就他们学位论文的研究方向和研究领域方面进行口头答辩。She snatched at every chance to practice her oral English.她把握一切机会练习英语口语。Tongue twisters are used in our oral practice.我们在口语练习中用饶口令。As part of her oral examination, she had to recite the names of all the presidents.作为口试的一部分,她必须背出所有总裁的名字。The old man told us a story passed on by oral tradition.老人给我们讲述了一个口头流传的故事。Informed oral consent was obtained from each individual.每个人都给出了口头知情同意。Jokes are an important part of our popular oral culture.笑话是我们大众口头文化的一个重要组成部分。I've got my French oral soon.我很快要考法语口试了。The story of King Arthur became part of oral tradition.亚瑟王的故事成为口头传说的一部分。I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral.口试后,我私下里与那位考生谈了谈。




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