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词汇 accompaniment
例句 These wines also make a good accompaniment for vegetarian dishes.这些葡萄酒配素菜吃也很好。White wine makes an excellent accompaniment to fish.白葡萄酒是吃鱼时绝佳的佐餐酒。Franco left the chamber to the accompaniment of loud applause.弗朗科在热烈的掌声中离开了会所。Disease is often an accompaniment of famine.疾病常伴随饥荒发生。A nice tie was a fine accompaniment to his new suit.一条漂亮的领带为他的新西服增色不少。The sun was back, with its accompaniment of dust and flies.太阳重新露了出来,灰尘和苍蝇也随之出现。He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.他在吉他伴奏下演奏乡村音乐。He entered to the accompaniment of loud cheers.伴随着欢呼声,他走了进来。He sang 'My Funny Valentine' to a piano accompaniment.他在钢琴的伴奏下演唱了《我可爱的情人》。He had his sister playing the mandolin as accompaniment.他让他妹妹奏曼陀林作伴奏。Rice is the usual accompaniment.通常用米饭搭配。The sauce is an ideal accompaniment to pork.这种酱汁很适合配猪肉吃。Rain drummed an accompaniment to his words.嗒嗒的雨声像是为他的话作着伴奏。The orchestra supported Connell with a rich and well-balanced accompaniment.管弦乐队以浑厚、和谐的音乐为康奈尔伴奏。The team came out to the accompaniment of fireworks.在烟花的映照下,队伍出场了。An elderly man puffed on a trumpet to the accompaniment of drums and piano.一位老人在鼓和钢琴的伴奏下吹奏小号。He played the difficult piano accompaniment very clean.他娴熟地弹奏高难度的钢琴伴奏部分。She sang the song to the accompaniment of a piano. 她在钢琴的伴奏下演唱了那首歌。This wine is a good accompaniment for/of spicy foods.这种葡萄酒配辛辣食物很好。She sings without musical accompaniment.她唱歌不用音乐伴奏。The election results were announced to the accompaniment of loud cheering.选举结果是在欢呼声中宣布的。She sang the song with a piano accompaniment.她在钢琴的伴奏下演唱了那首歌。The girls sang to the accompaniment of a piano.姑娘们在钢琴的伴奏下演唱。She sang to a piano accompaniment.她在钢琴伴奏下演唱。The scene as written requires full orchestral accompaniment.依照剧本的要求,这场戏要有完整的管弦乐配乐。She sang to the accompaniment of a guitar.她在吉他的伴奏下演唱。Going through the tap dance, he sang his own accompaniment.他一边跳踢跶舞,一边给自己伴唱。Wide-leg trousers are the perfect accompaniment.阔腿裤是完美的搭配品。She studied Italian as an accompaniment to her classes in art history.她在上艺术史课的同时还学习意大利语。The beautiful color and full-bodied taste of these Australian wines make them an excellent accompaniment to meat dishes.这些澳大利亚葡萄酒色泽漂亮、味道醇厚,是肉类食品的绝配。Ruffled disquiet was a perpetual accompaniment to my living.坎坷不安始终离不开我的生活。She made the announcement to the accompaniment of loud applause. 她发表声明时获得了热烈的掌声。This dish can be served as an accompaniment to/for most meat main dishes.这道菜可以作为大多数肉类主菜的辅菜。They were exercising to the accompaniment of cheerful music.他们在欢快的乐曲声中锻炼。This recipe makes a good accompaniment to ice-cream.这份食谱适合搭配冰激凌。Disease is an accompaniment of poverty.疾病伴随贫困而发生。




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