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例句 Her brother accompanied her singing on the piano.她哥哥用钢琴为她的演唱伴奏。He was suddenly accompanied by the burble of little voices.他身边突然发出一阵轻微的嘟囔声。These statements are accompanied by a series of explanatory notes.这些陈述后面有一系列解释性注释。The general was accompanied by his wife.将军有妻子陪同。This journey was to be accompanied by haps.这个旅程将常有意外事件。A mousy-looking woman accompanied him.一个相貌平平的女人和他在一起。A delicious sauce accompanied the grilled fish.这种烤鱼配有美味的酱汁。Children aged twelve or under must be accompanied by an adult.十二岁及十二岁以下儿童必须由成人陪同。The prince is always accompanied by his bodyguards.王子始终有保镖陪伴左右。Early pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea.怀孕初期常伴有恶心。Her entrance was accompanied by suitably dramatic music.她进场时伴有激昂而恰到好处的音乐。He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year.第二年他陪着这位情绪无常的女演员去了好莱坞。She accompanied the chorus on the piano.她为合唱作钢琴伴奏。She was accompanied by Helen on piano.海伦用钢琴为她伴奏。He sang and Alice accompanied him on the piano.他一边唱,艾丽斯一边为他钢琴伴奏。Inflammation is frequently accompanied by fever.炎症常常伴有发烧。The pianist accompanied her singing.钢琴家为她的歌唱伴奏。The Prime Minister, accompanied by the governor, led the President up to the house.首相在州长陪同下带领总统前往那座房子。Serve hot or cold accompanied by bread and a salad.佐以面包和色拉食用,冷热均可。Police cars, their sirens wailing, accompanied the lorries.警车一路鸣着警笛护送卡车。The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless accompanied by an adult.学校的纪律规定,除非有大人陪同,小孩白天不得离开学校。We ended with Blake's Jerusalem, accompanied on the organ by Herbert Wiseman.在赫伯特·怀斯曼的风琴伴奏下,我们演唱了布莱克的《耶路撒冷》作为终曲。The king's people accompanied him in exile.国王的御前人员陪同他流亡国外。She was accompanied by her six foot tall boyfriend.陪伴着她的是她那个身高六英尺的男朋友。The company's pay offer was accompanied by thinly veiled threats if it was rejected.如果公司的薪酬方案遭到拒绝,随之而来的就是近乎直白的威胁。Children cannot be admitted to the museum unless they are accompanied by an adult.小孩没有大人陪同不得进入博物馆。This gesture is often accompanied by a yawn or a stretch.这一姿势通常伴随着打哈欠或是伸懒腰。The thunderstorm was accompanied by high winds.那场雷雨伴有大风。The storm was accompanied by northerly winds.暴雨伴随着北风。Every scientific expedition was accompanied by a photographer.每一支科考远征队都有一名摄影师随行。José accompanied us for some distance until we reached the highway.乔斯陪我们走了很长一段路,一直到我们上了大路。Home rule for Scotland would be accompanied by a similar measure for Wales.苏格兰采取的自治措施将会类似地用在威尔士。Acceleration is accompanied by a resonating growl from the gearbox.变速箱随着加速传来一阵轰鸣。She accompanied him to an affair at the Newspaper Photographers' Association.她陪他去摄影记者协会参加一次招待会。He was accompanied onstage by his backing band.他在舞台上有自己的伴奏乐队伴奏。The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue.这支舞蹈的配乐是由亨利·托尔格所作的一首原创曲目。The king's people accompanied him in exile.国王遭流放时御前人员陪其同往。A skin rash may be accompanied by fever.出皮疹时可能伴有发热现象。He was accompanied by Thomas on this important legation.这次重要外交使命由托马斯陪同他完成。An ambulance accompanied by an armoured car was riddled with bullets.一辆由装甲车护送的救护车给子弹打得尽是窟窿。




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