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The booklet that accompanies the CD is informative and scholarly, without being pedantic.随光盘附上的小册子内容丰富而且具学术性,但一点也不迁腐。Sarah sings and Bill accompanies her on the guitar.萨拉演唱,比尔弹吉他为她伴奏。A set of fact sheets accompanies the TV series.该电视系列节目配有一套介绍资料。A slight fever often accompanies a mild infection.轻度感染常伴有低烧。Lightning usually accompanies thunder.闪电通常伴著雷声。In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.在特殊情况下,丈夫可以扣除陪同出差的妻子的旅费。An illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition.展览附带有插图目录。 |