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词汇 opponent
例句 He'll go head-to-head with his toughest opponent in the upcoming debate.他将在下次辩论中与他的最强劲敌正面交锋。His opponent did a smear job on him.他的对手对他进行诋毁。He threw a right/left jab to his opponent's body.他冲对手挥了一记右/左刺拳。The best strategy to win a negotiation is to preempt your opponent.要赢得一场谈判,最好的策略是先发制人。She drubbed her opponent in the tennis match.她在网球比赛中大胜对手。Simkin hoped to find a way to deflate his opponent's argument.西姆金希望能找到击破对手论点的办法。He beat his opponent at one bout.他一下子就打败了对手。She failed to take the measure of her opponent. 她未能准确判断对手的实力。He made several indirect references to his opponent.他有几次隐晦地提到他的对手。Tom licked his opponent at tennis.汤姆在网球赛中打败了对手。It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but finally he was hoist by his own petard.这实在是个使他的敌手落入圈套的好计策,然而最后却是搬石头砸自己的脚。He stared balefully at his opponent.他用凶狠的目光盯着对手。Her opponent has accused her of waffling on the important issues.她的对手指责她在重要问题上优柔寡断。He euchred his opponent out of the contest.他在竞争中用计击败了他的对手。He stole his opponent's thunder by proposing a toast for the distinguished visitor.他抢在他的对手之前提议为贵宾干杯。Their defeat seemed certain in the face of such a powerful opponent.面对如此强大的对手,他们的失败似乎毫无悬念。After his statement, his opponent fired back.他陈述完后,反对者们进行了反驳。The boxer grounded his opponent.拳击手把对手击倒在地。In those contests, he has pulled ahead of his opponent.在那些竞赛中,他已经领先于他的对手。Wiggins issued a prebuttal against his opponent's speech, even before the text was delivered to reporters.对手的讲稿还未到达记者手中,威金斯就便预先作了驳斥。The candidate went on the attack and accused his opponent of lying.这名候选人开始攻击,指责他的对手撒谎。She beat her opponent after eight deuces.八个局末平分之后她才赢了对手。The wrestler picked his opponent up bodily and threw him out of the ring.摔跤运动员举起对手把他扔出场外。He is her most vociferous critic/opponent.在她的批评者/反对者中,他的反对声音是最高的。He beat his opponent on points. 他以得分多于对手而取胜。He parried the thrust of his opponent's sword.他挡开了对手刺向他的剑。The boxer beat the hell out of his opponent.拳击手把对手打得落花流水。He downed his opponent in the first round.他在第一个回合中击倒对手。The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent's jaw.拳击手看准机会朝着对手的下颚猛击过去。I thought the ball was good, but my opponent said it was out.我认为这一发球是个好球,但我的对手说它出界了。She took her opponent in the second round.她在第二轮中击败对手。The boxer rained blows on his opponent's head. 那名拳击手雨点般的拳头击打在对手的头部。The minister accused his opponent of being a crypto-communist.部长指责其对手是地下共产党员。He is an avowed opponent of immigration.他公开表示反对移民。The president put the blame squarely on his opponent.总统把责任全推到对手身上。Wagner was forced to tone down his remarks about his opponent when it became obvious that the attacks were costing him votes.瓦格纳被迫把关于竞选对手的言论说得不那么尖锐,因为那些攻击显然在使他失去选票。He made short work of his opponent, winning the fight after only two rounds.他仅仅用了两个回合就打败对手,赢得了比赛的胜利。He leveled his opponent with a right hook.他以一记右勾拳将对手打倒在地。He had a political ax to grind with his opponent.他在政治上对自己的对手别有用心。Twist your hips in your opponent's direction as you punch.击拳时胯部要转向对手的方向。




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