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词汇 accused
例句 Band members have been accused of trashing their hotel rooms.乐队成员被指控捣毁了旅馆房间。He is accused of stirring up racial hatred.他被指控煽动种族仇恨。He accused the government of a serious foreign policy misjudgement.他指责政府在外交政策上有一个严重失误。She was accused of slandering her former boss.她因诽谤前老板而遭起诉。They are accused of plotting the assassination of the prime minister. = They are accused of plotting to assassinate the prime minister.他们被指控密谋暗杀首相。Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan Horse to advance their causes.两派都指责对方利用这个组织作幌子以达到自己的目的。He was accused of fraudulently using a stolen credit card.他被控盗用偷来的信用卡。People have accused us of fudging the issue.人们指责我们在这个问题上逃避责任。He was accused of twisting the facts.他被谴责歪曲事实。He was accused of feigning injury.他被指责佯装受伤。The accused White House shooter was arrested on Wednesday by Pennsylvania state troopers.被控制造了白宫枪击案的枪手于星期三被宾夕法尼亚州警方拘捕。He accused them of knowingly spreading falsehoods about him.他指责他们故意散布有关他的谎言。The grocer accused her of shoplifting and demanded to look in her bag.食品杂货店老板说她行窃并要求检查她的包。The minister accused his opponent of being a crypto-communist.部长指责其对手是地下共产党员。The accused will appear before a specially constituted military tribunal.被告将会面临特别军事法庭的审判。He was accused of switching price labels on goods in a supermarket.他被指控调换了超市里的商品价格标签。When the boss accused her of lying, several other employees interceded on her behalf.老板指责她说谎时,其他几个雇员替她求情。Vernon was accused by his enemies of being in league with the devil.弗农被敌人指责与魔鬼勾结。He has been accused of financial/sexual improprieties.他因财务作假/不正当性行为而被指控。She was accused of betraying her political ideals.她被指责背弃了自己的政治理想。The judge was accused of accepting bribes.那名法官被控收受贿赂。Army officers have been accused of using unorthodox methods when interrogating enemy prisoners.军官们被指控在审讯战俘时用了非常规的手段。The accused was not allowed legal representation.被告未获准请律师。They are accused of trying to use fake money.他们被控使用假币未遂。He was accused of slacking and taking too many holidays.他被指责做事磨洋工,休假太多。He has been accused of political grandstanding.他被指责在政治上哗众取宠。In his District Court plaint, Mr Hale accused the company of negligence.在递交给地方法院的诉状中,黑尔先生指控公司犯有过失。He accused me of not doing my job properly.他指责我没按正确的方式做工作。She accused me of snobbism. 她指责我为人势利。He accused the minister of prevaricating.他指责部长一味搪塞。The watch was found in his bag; thereupon he was accused of stealing.在他的袋子里发现了表,因此他被指控偷窃。The accused was released on his own recognizance.被告具结后释放。They have already been accused of appeasement by more militant organisations.已有更多的好战组织谴责他们采取姑息态度。She has never been accused of lacking confidence.从来没有人指责过她缺乏信心。She accused him of being an unreconstructed male chauvinist.她指责他是一个顽固不化的大男子主义者。They were accused of spying on a rival company.他们被指控刺探公司竞争对手的情报。She accused the administration of sitting on its hands while industries violated the law.她指责政府在企业触犯法律的时候不作为。Multinational companies have often been accused of employing cheap labour in developing countries.经常有人指责跨国公司在发展中国家雇用廉价劳动力。Hollywood has been accused of rewriting history, by once again denying the role played by African Americans.好莱坞又一次否定由非洲裔美国人扮演的角色,被指责是篡改历史。The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.该公司被指控有不诚实的会计行为。




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