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词汇 tasted
例句 It was the first chocolate he'd tasted for over a year, so he savoured every mouthful.这是他一年多来吃到的第一块巧克力,因此他每一口都细细品尝。Once you've tasted the local apples, all others pale by comparison. 一旦你品尝了当地的苹果,其他苹果就都显得逊色了。It tasted OK but the smell was a bit off-putting.这东西尝起来味道还行,但闻起来却让人有点不舒服。He has never tasted defeat.他从未尝过失败的滋味。She tasted the powder and it was sweet.她尝了尝那粉末,是甜的。You haven't lived until you've tasted champagne.没有尝过香槟的话,你就算白活了。I have never tasted spirits such as brandy and whisky.我从未喝过一口白兰地和威士忌之类的烈酒。Edward tasted the thin, sour wines with disgust.爱德华厌恶地尝了尝那又稀又酸的酒。He tasted the wine of audience approbation.他尝到了听众的赞许所产生的那种像美酒般令人陶醉的滋味。He tasted the tea to see if it was sweet enough.他品了一下茶看看是否够甜。The cake didn't look very good, but it tasted all right.这蛋糕不是很好看,但味道还可以。When I first tasted it I almost barfed.我第一次尝这个东西时差点吐出来。The water tasted strongly of chemicals.水尝起来有一股浓浓的化学品味道。I've tasted the milk and it's definitely off.我尝过牛奶,它肯定变质了。He tasted vomit at the back of his mouth.他尝到喉咙口有呕吐物的味道。The vegetables tasted surprisingly good.这些蔬菜味道出奇地好。Many of the fruits you've tasted on your holidays can be found in supermarkets.你度假时吃过的许多水果都可以在超市买到。I drank a cup of tea that tasted of diesel.我喝了杯有股柴油味的茶。The wines we tasted ranged from very poor to good to excellent.我们品尝的葡萄酒既有品质差的,也有品质好的,甚至还有佳酿。He never even tasted the soup.那汤他连尝也没尝一下。The food wasn't really to my liking - it all tasted rather salty.这食物不很合我的口味,都太咸了。He has tasted the frustration of defeat.他体会到了挫败感。Anyone who has tasted this life wants it to carry on for as long as possible.任何过过这种日子的人都希望它持续得越久越好。The fruit tasted rather like mango.这种水果味道很像芒果。It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.这东西吃起来淡而无味,难以形容,有点像加热过的纸板。Diana tasted her martini and quickly spat it out.戴安娜尝了一口马丁尼酒,马上就吐了出来。The apple pie tasted so good. 这个苹果派很好吃。It tasted very strange, at least to my untrained palate.至少对于我未经训练过的味觉来说,这东西尝起来怪怪的。The coffee tasted dreadful!这咖啡的味道糟透了!What is this? I've never tasted anything like it.这究竟是什么东西?我从没吃过这种东西。The food tasted better than it looked.这食物吃起来味道比看上去要好。The food looked horrible, but it tasted OK.那食物看上去很糟,可吃起来还不错。It was like nothing I'd ever tasted before.它不像我吃过的任何东西。There was a lot of hard work before we first tasted success.经历了千辛万苦后我们才初尝成功滋味。The medicine tasted awful, but I managed to force it down. 这药难吃极了,但我还是设法硬把它吞了下去。I have never tasted the sweets of success.我从未尝到过成功的快乐。The soup didn't look very appetizing but it tasted delicious.这汤看起来不是很刺激食欲,但尝起来味道很好。It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.这吃起来淡而无味,像加热过的纸板。He tasted the mixture with a wry expression on his face.他尝了尝那合剂,脸上露出一副怪相。She tasted her coffee, and then added more sugar.她尝了口咖啡,接着又往里加了点糖。




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