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词汇 on the left
例句 Leave a generous margin on the left.在左边留出充裕的空白。The main entrance is further over on the left.大门在左手边过去一点。Her office is on the left.她的办公室在左边。The first street on the left will lead you to the museum.你顺着左边第一条街走就可到达博物馆。The bride's guests should sit on the left side of the church.新娘一方的来宾应该坐在教堂的左边。Assemble the table exactly as shown in the diagram on the left.严格按照左图把桌子组装起来。The odd numbers are on the left as you walk up the street.沿这条街走,在左边的是单号。Our house is the last one on the left before the traffic lights.我们家是交通信号灯前左侧的最后一家。Yours is the room on the top floor, on the left.你的房间在顶层,左手边。Our house is the third from the end on the left.我们家是从左边倒数第三户。If you look out of the window on the left, you'll see that we're now approaching the Eiffel Tower.如果你从左侧的窗口望出去,就可以看到我们正在驶向埃菲尔铁塔。The figure standing on the left was painted in after the rest of the picture was completed.画面左边站着的那个人是在画的其余部分都绘好后添上去的。If you take the road on the left, you'll come to the post office.走左边的路就能到邮局。She had a small beauty spot on the left side of her face.她左脸上有一小颗美人痣。From what I recall, I think the library is two blocks down on the left.根据我的记忆,我觉得图书馆在前面两个街区左边的地方。The bathroom is through that hallway on the left.穿过走廊,左边就是卫生间。In Britain, cars drive on the left side of the road.在英国,汽车靠左侧行驶。The box on the left gives a short history of the battle.左边方框内简要介绍了这场战役的经过。You put the fork on the right and the knife on the left. They should be the other way around. 你把叉子放在了右边,刀放在了左边。应该反过来放。Put the knives and the soup spoons on the right-hand side and the forks on the left.把刀和汤匙放在右手一边,把餐叉放在左手一边 They drive on the left in the UK.在英国车是沿左边行驶的。Their house is on the left. It has a pink door. You can't miss it.他们家在左边,门是粉红色的,你不会看不见的。Take the next road on the left.在下一个路口向左转。The army was attacked on the left flank.部队的左翼受到攻击。Richard landed him a blow on the left eye.理查在他左眼上打了一拳。As I sidestepped, the bottle hit me on the left hip.我侧一步要躲闪的时候,瓶子打中了我的左髋部。The hem of her skirt is sagging on the left side.她裙的左面褶边松垂下来。In Britain cars drive on the left.在英国车辆靠左行驶。The enemy attacked us on the left flank.敌军在左翼攻击我们。The station is just down this road on the left. You can't miss it.沿这条路往前走,车站就在左边,你不会看不到。The new law has been severely criticized by politicians on the left.新的法律受到左派政党政治家的严厉抨击。The gray house on the left will be theirs. 左边那栋灰色房子一定是他们的。Can you see me in the photo? I'm in the back row on the left.你能在照片里找到我吗?我在后排的左面。This vase is slightly discolored. By way of comparison , examine the vase on the left.这个花瓶有点褪色,查看左边的花瓶做一下对比。I forget the name of the street, but it's the first on the left.我记不起街名,但那是左边第一条街。The odd-numbered houses are on the left side of the street.单号的住宅在大街的左侧。The house was winged on the left side.房子的左边造了厢房。There she is on the left up there.她在那里,左边那个地方。The picture bleeds on the left side.这幅插图超出左面页边了。Video clips from the Highway Police show that the bus burst into fire after it bumped into the guardrail on the left side.高速公路警察的录影带显示那辆巴士撞到护栏之后就起火了。




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